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Changes day by day

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Date Views Subscribers Views Avg Likes Avg Videos
2019-09-21 01:56 5 years ago +3,815,148 244,967,163 -506,607 0 11,746,820 115,528 0 42
2019-08-30 +218,232 241,152,015 -3 506,607 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-29 +133,118 240,933,783 -48 506,610 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-28 +211,529 240,800,665 -37 506,658 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-27 +136,982 240,589,136 +1 506,695 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-26 +159,450 240,452,154 -28 506,694 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-25 +199,812 240,292,704 -84 506,722 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-24 +201,137 240,092,892 -17 506,806 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-23 +173,098 239,891,755 -65 506,823 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-22 +180,887 239,718,657 +9 506,888 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-21 +161,511 239,537,770 +4 506,879 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-20 +168,110 239,376,259 -27 506,875 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-19 +166,942 239,208,149 -48 506,902 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-18 +176,954 239,041,207 -33 506,950 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-17 +235,424 238,864,253 -49 506,983 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-16 +178,244 238,628,829 +6 507,032 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-15 +197,572 238,450,585 -74 507,026 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-14 +151,526 238,253,013 -33 507,100 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-13 +172,922 238,101,487 -94 507,133 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-12 +146,158 237,928,565 +1 507,227 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-11 +227,932 237,782,407 -31 507,226 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-10 +160,429 237,554,475 +2 507,257 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-09 +161,728 237,394,046 -39 507,255 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-08 +216,049 237,232,318 -36 507,294 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-07 +166,536 237,016,269 -79 507,330 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-06 +172,977 236,849,733 +5 507,409 11,508,925 113,997 0 42
2019-08-05 +157,714 236,676,756 -3 507,404 11,502,302 113,942 0 42
2019-08-04 +2,434,087 236,519,042 -65 507,407 11,495,162 113,897 0 42
Daily Average (last 28 days) +181,265 -18,101 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +66,161,725 -6,606,865 0
Last 28 days +5,075,408 239,891,755 -506,823 506,823 0 42
Last 6 months +42,059,350 202,907,813 -511,582 511,582 0 42
Last 12 months +113,783,117 131,184,046 -497,096 497,096 +8 34


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