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Changes day by day

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Date Views Subscribers Views Avg Likes Avg Videos
2020-02-26 08:58 5 лет назад +197,366 0 0 0 4,160,704 81,110 +1 687
2020-02-22 +197,366 630,865,752 0 4,470,000 4,160,704 81,110 +1 686
2020-02-21 +305,747 630,668,386 0 4,470,000 4,160,704 81,110 0 685
2020-02-20 +139,196 630,362,639 0 4,470,000 4,160,704 81,110 +1 685
2020-02-19 +167,294 630,223,443 0 4,470,000 4,160,704 81,110 0 684
2020-02-18 +237,359 630,056,149 0 4,470,000 4,160,704 81,110 0 684
2020-02-17 +155,867 629,818,790 0 4,470,000 4,160,704 81,110 +1 684
2020-02-16 +143,168 629,662,923 0 4,470,000 4,160,704 81,110 0 683
2020-02-15 +183,678 629,519,755 0 4,470,000 4,160,704 81,110 0 683
2020-02-14 +317,520 629,336,077 0 4,470,000 4,160,704 81,110 0 683
2020-02-13 +183,198 629,018,557 0 4,470,000 4,160,704 81,110 +1 683
2020-02-12 +206,001 628,835,359 0 4,470,000 4,160,704 81,110 0 682
2020-02-11 +393,693 628,629,358 0 4,470,000 4,160,704 81,110 0 682
2020-02-10 +186,564 628,235,665 0 4,470,000 4,160,704 81,110 +1 682
2020-02-09 +190,755 628,049,101 0 4,470,000 4,160,704 81,110 0 681
2020-02-08 +207,558 627,858,346 0 4,470,000 4,160,704 81,110 0 681
2020-02-07 +326,049 627,650,788 0 4,470,000 4,160,704 81,110 0 681
2020-02-06 +139,392 627,324,739 0 4,470,000 4,160,704 81,110 +1 681
2020-02-05 +163,698 627,185,347 0 4,470,000 4,365,586 84,757 0 680
2020-02-04 +257,453 627,021,649 0 4,470,000 4,365,586 84,757 0 680
2020-02-03 +158,320 626,764,196 0 4,470,000 4,173,300 81,787 +1 680
2020-02-02 +210,627 626,605,876 +10,000 4,470,000 4,173,300 81,787 0 679
2020-02-01 +238,955 626,395,249 0 4,460,000 4,173,300 81,787 +1 679
2020-01-31 +103,184 626,156,294 0 4,460,000 4,173,300 81,787 0 678
2020-01-30 +197,288 626,053,110 0 4,460,000 4,173,300 81,787 0 678
2020-01-29 +203,490 625,855,822 0 4,460,000 4,198,691 83,881 0 678
2020-01-28 +357,495 625,652,332 0 4,460,000 4,198,691 83,881 0 678
2020-01-27 +169,303 625,294,837 0 4,460,000 4,198,691 83,881 +1 678
2020-01-26 +188,000 625,125,534 0 4,460,000 4,198,691 83,881 0 677
2020-01-25 +420,001 624,937,534 0 4,460,000 4,198,691 83,881 0 677
2020-01-24 +148,216 624,517,533 0 4,460,000 4,198,691 83,881 +1 677
2020-01-23 +209,550 624,369,317 0 4,460,000 4,403,016 87,674 0 676
Daily Average (last 28 days) +219,673 +357 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +80,180,645 +130,305 0
Last 6 days +1,332,309 629,336,077 0 4,470,000 +2 683
Last 28 days +6,150,853 624,517,533 +10,000 4,460,000 +8 677
Last 6 months +38,858,140 591,810,246 +60,599 4,409,401 +54 631
Last 12 months +74,251,716 556,416,670 +34,379 4,435,621 +106 579


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