Changes day by day

Just a tip: you can scroll (swipe) any table horizontally. Usually there are many columns and some of them could be hidden by default on mobile. So just try to swipe left inside the table.
Date Views Subscribers Videos
2020-02-26 09:00 4 years ago +1,813,975 0 0 0 +8 15,886
2020-02-22 +1,813,975 2,740,233,336 0 3,830,000 +8 15,857
2020-02-21 +1,856,199 2,738,419,361 0 3,830,000 +12 15,849
2020-02-20 +1,990,474 2,736,563,162 0 3,830,000 +2 15,837
2020-02-19 +2,132,510 2,734,572,688 0 3,830,000 +7 15,835
2020-02-18 +1,767,103 2,732,440,178 +10,000 3,830,000 +14 15,828
Daily Average (last 28 days) +1,975,668 +1,786 0
Last 28 days +55,318,702 2,683,100,659 +50,000 3,780,000 +126 15,723

Views Growth

Subscribers Growth

Changes day by day

Just a tip: you can scroll (swipe) any table horizontally. Usually there are many columns and some of them could be hidden by default on mobile. So just try to swipe left inside the table.
Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Media
2019-08-25 23:46 5 years ago +174 419,750 0 0% +27 34,251
2019-08-21 +174 419,750 0 0% +27 34,251
2019-08-20 +278 419,576 0 0% +22 34,224
2019-08-19 +63 419,298 0 0% +16 34,202
2019-08-18 +110 419,235 0 0% +24 34,186
2019-08-17 +200 419,125 0 0% +21 34,162
Daily Average (last 28 days) +216 0
Last 28 days +6,041 413,709 +525 33,726

Followed By Growth

Average Likes Per Post

Changes day by day

Just a tip: you can scroll (swipe) any table horizontally. Usually there are many columns and some of them could be hidden by default on mobile. So just try to swipe left inside the table.
Date Followers Followings Tweets
2020-02-21 21:02 4 years ago +6 54,557 +1 15,846 +13 167,183
2020-02-21 +13 54,551 -1 15,845 +18 167,170
2020-02-20 +7 54,538 -2 15,846 +18 167,152
2020-02-19 +16 54,531 +1 15,848 +28 167,134
2020-02-17 +27 54,515 -5 15,847 +115 167,106
Daily Average (last 28 days) +9 0 +18
Last 27 days +255 54,296 0 0 +483 166,687

Followers Growth

Changes day by day

Just a tip: you can scroll (swipe) any table horizontally. Usually there are many columns and some of them could be hidden by default on mobile. So just try to swipe left inside the table.
Date Likes
2019-08-25 06:23 5 years ago +106 189,726
2019-08-24 +101 189,620
2019-08-23 +103 189,519
2019-08-22 +115 189,416
2019-08-21 +74 189,301
Daily Average (last 28 days) +82
Last 27 days +2,226 187,500

Likes Growth