Changes day by day

Just a tip: you can scroll (swipe) any table horizontally. Usually there are many columns and some of them could be hidden by default on mobile. So just try to swipe left inside the table.
Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Media
2019-09-21 08:44 5 years ago +32,708 4,970,443 235,564 4.74% +11 323
2019-09-02 +7,799 4,937,735 270,905 5.49% 0 312
2019-08-29 +3,810 4,929,936 285,104 5.78% +1 312
2019-08-28 +20,835 4,926,126 282,206 5.73% +7 311
2019-08-21 +2,572 4,905,291 330,823 6.74% +1 304
Daily Average (last 28 days) +1,847 0
Last 24 days +44,317 4,926,126 +12 311

Followed By Growth

Average Likes Per Post

Changes day by day

Just a tip: you can scroll (swipe) any table horizontally. Usually there are many columns and some of them could be hidden by default on mobile. So just try to swipe left inside the table.
Date Views Subscribers Videos
2020-06-29 18:43 4 years ago -11,310,730 360,894,597 0 2,710,000 0 63
2020-06-28 +252,578 372,205,327 0 2,710,000 -1 63
2020-06-27 +454,647 371,952,749 0 2,710,000 0 64
2020-06-26 0 371,498,102 0 2,710,000 0 64
2020-06-25 +271,960 371,498,102 0 2,710,000 0 64
Daily Average (last 28 days) +509,732 +357 0
Last 28 days +14,272,508 357,932,819 +10,000 2,700,000 -1 64

Views Growth

Subscribers Growth

Changes day by day

Just a tip: you can scroll (swipe) any table horizontally. Usually there are many columns and some of them could be hidden by default on mobile. So just try to swipe left inside the table.
Date Followers Followings Tweets
2019-03-06 04:20 5 years ago +41 1,424,295 0 79 +3 6,559
2019-03-05 +33 1,424,254 0 79 0 6,556
2019-03-04 0 1,424,221 0 79 0 6,556
2019-03-03 -25 1,424,221 0 79 +3 6,556
2019-03-02 +73 1,424,246 0 79 +9 6,553
Daily Average (last 28 days) -4 0 +4
Last 28 days -99 1,424,394 0 0 +108 6,451

Followers Growth

Changes day by day

Just a tip: you can scroll (swipe) any table horizontally. Usually there are many columns and some of them could be hidden by default on mobile. So just try to swipe left inside the table.
Date Likes
2019-06-25 04:12 5 years ago -21 450,633
2019-06-24 +54 450,654
2019-06-23 +1 450,600
2019-06-22 +8 450,599
2019-06-21 +25 450,591
Daily Average (last 28 days) -21
Last 27 days -573 451,206

Likes Growth