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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-25 15:16 5 лет назад +386 507,027 43,621 8.6% 0 897 +1 1,349
2019-08-21 +386 507,027 43,621 8.6% 0 897 +1 1,349
2019-08-20 +160 506,641 40,881 8.07% -2 897 +1 1,348
2019-08-19 +221 506,481 41,259 8.15% +5 899 0 1,347
2019-08-18 +250 506,260 43,342 8.56% +2 894 +1 1,347
2019-08-17 +488 506,010 43,100 8.52% +5 892 +1 1,346
2019-08-16 +445 505,522 42,077 8.32% 0 887 +1 1,345
2019-08-15 +492 505,077 35,088 6.95% 0 887 +1 1,344
2019-08-14 +494 504,585 31,315 6.21% 0 887 +2 1,343
2019-08-13 +301 504,091 30,457 6.04% 0 887 +1 1,341
2019-08-12 +158 503,790 35,755 7.1% +2 887 +1 1,340
2019-08-11 +223 503,632 35,727 7.09% +5 885 +2 1,339
2019-08-10 -1 503,409 42,815 8.51% -1 880 0 1,337
2019-08-10 +500 503,410 42,742 8.49% +2 881 +5 1,337
2019-08-07 +156 502,910 48,764 9.7% +1 879 +1 1,332
2019-08-06 +247 502,754 49,291 9.8% 0 878 0 1,331
2019-08-05 +606 502,507 49,210 9.79% +3 878 -1 1,331
2019-08-04 +952 501,901 45,353 9.04% 0 875 0 1,332
2019-08-03 +273 500,949 47,366 9.46% +1 875 +1 1,332
2019-08-02 +421 500,676 51,206 10.23% +2 874 +1 1,331
2019-08-01 +294 500,255 55,881 11.17% +2 872 +1 1,330
2019-07-31 +361 499,961 50,784 10.16% +4 870 +1 1,329
2019-07-30 +423 499,600 49,262 9.86% +1 866 +2 1,328
2019-07-29 +482 499,177 46,076 9.23% +1 865 +2 1,326
2019-07-28 +435 498,695 46,788 9.38% +3 864 -2 1,324
2019-07-27 +470 498,260 42,964 8.62% +2 861 +1 1,326
2019-07-26 +599 497,790 42,651 8.57% +2 859 +1 1,325
2019-07-25 +335 497,191 44,294 8.91% +2 857 0 1,324
2019-07-24 +439 496,856 44,103 8.88% 0 855 +1 1,324
2019-07-23 +1,083 496,417 43,446 8.75% 0 855 +2 1,323
2019-07-22 +1,252 495,334 39,836 8.04% 0 855 +1 1,321
2019-07-21 +618 494,082 37,783 7.65% 0 855 +1 1,320
Daily Average (last 28 days) +298 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +108,770 0 0
Last 7 days +767 506,260 +3 894 +2 1,347
Last 28 days +8,332 498,695 +33 864 +25 1,324
Last 6 months +265,615 241,412 +231 666 +248 1,101
Last 12 months +365,956 141,071 +230 667 +364 985

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