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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-21 12:03 5 years ago +20 64,360 825 1.28% +2 2,029 0 5,507
2019-08-20 +1 64,340 758 1.18% 0 2,027 +2 5,507
2019-08-19 -2 64,339 763 1.19% -1 2,027 +1 5,505
2019-08-18 +12 64,341 738 1.15% +5 2,028 0 5,504
2019-08-17 +14 64,329 779 1.21% +2 2,023 +1 5,504
2019-08-16 +9 64,315 878 1.37% +3 2,021 +2 5,503
2019-08-15 +29 64,306 871 1.35% -2 2,018 0 5,501
2019-08-14 +26 64,277 863 1.34% 0 2,020 +1 5,501
2019-08-13 +18 64,251 858 1.34% 0 2,020 +1 5,500
2019-08-12 +16 64,233 817 1.27% 0 2,020 +2 5,499
2019-08-11 +37 64,217 752 1.17% 0 2,020 0 5,497
2019-08-10 +83 64,180 749 1.17% +3 2,020 +2 5,497
2019-08-07 +27 64,097 944 1.47% +1 2,017 0 5,495
2019-08-06 +19 64,070 949 1.48% 0 2,016 +1 5,495
2019-08-05 +22 64,051 890 1.39% +1 2,016 +2 5,494
2019-08-04 +24 64,029 777 1.21% 0 2,015 +2 5,492
2019-08-03 +32 64,005 960 1.5% +1 2,015 +1 5,490
2019-08-02 +39 63,973 1,001 1.56% -2 2,014 0 5,489
2019-08-01 +31 63,934 976 1.53% +3 2,016 +1 5,489
2019-07-31 +22 63,903 998 1.56% +2 2,013 +1 5,488
2019-07-30 +23 63,881 1,012 1.58% 0 2,011 +2 5,487
2019-07-29 +50 63,858 891 1.4% +1 2,011 0 5,485
2019-07-28 +41 63,808 686 1.08% +1 2,010 +1 5,485
2019-07-27 +20 63,767 635 1% -1 2,009 0 5,484
2019-07-26 +24 63,747 338 0.53% +6 2,010 +9 5,484
2019-07-25 +10 63,723 755 1.18% +5 2,004 +1 5,475
2019-07-24 +21 63,713 786 1.23% 0 1,999 +1 5,474
2019-07-23 +10 63,692 694 1.09% +1 1,999 +3 5,473
2019-07-22 +5 63,682 749 1.18% +3 1,998 0 5,470
2019-07-21 +12 63,677 746 1.17% 0 1,995 0 5,470
2019-07-20 +30 63,665 794 1.25% 0 1,995 +1 5,470
Daily Average (last 28 days) +23 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +8,395 0 0
Last 7 days +83 64,277 +9 2,020 +6 5,501
Last 28 days +647 63,713 +30 1,999 +33 5,474
Last 6 months +2,096 62,264 +165 1,864 +209 5,298
Last 12 months +3,671 60,689 +345 1,684 +442 5,065

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