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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-25 03:12 5 years ago -18 232,227 616 0.27% 0 127 +3 4,084
2019-08-21 -18 232,227 616 0.27% 0 127 +3 4,084
2019-08-20 -59 232,245 726 0.31% 0 127 -7 4,081
2019-08-19 -28 232,304 995 0.43% 0 127 -10 4,088
2019-08-18 +6 232,332 1,036 0.45% 0 127 0 4,098
2019-08-17 -23 232,326 767 0.33% 0 127 +3 4,098
2019-08-16 -48 232,349 787 0.34% 0 127 +3 4,095
2019-08-15 -59 232,397 752 0.32% 0 127 +3 4,092
2019-08-14 -67 232,456 782 0.34% 0 127 +3 4,089
2019-08-13 -34 232,523 571 0.25% 0 127 +3 4,086
2019-08-12 -31 232,557 481 0.21% 0 127 +1 4,083
2019-08-11 -27 232,588 569 0.24% 0 127 +3 4,082
2019-08-10 -10 232,615 622 0.27% -1 127 +7 4,079
2019-08-07 +2 232,625 914 0.39% 0 128 -1 4,072
2019-08-06 -12 232,623 1,153 0.5% +1 128 +4 4,073
2019-08-05 +36 232,635 989 0.43% 0 127 +2 4,069
2019-08-04 +11 232,599 745 0.32% 0 127 +2 4,067
2019-08-03 -18 232,588 559 0.24% 0 127 +4 4,065
2019-08-02 -44 232,606 734 0.32% -2 127 +3 4,061
2019-08-01 +4 232,650 829 0.36% 0 129 -16 4,058
2019-07-31 -2 232,646 862 0.37% 0 129 +4 4,074
2019-07-30 +13 232,648 949 0.41% 0 129 +4 4,070
2019-07-29 +35 232,635 1,100 0.47% 0 129 -8 4,066
2019-07-28 +13 232,600 653 0.28% 0 129 +3 4,074
2019-07-27 -1 232,587 802 0.34% -1 129 +4 4,071
2019-07-26 -8 232,588 677 0.29% 0 130 +3 4,067
2019-07-25 +13 232,596 512 0.22% 0 130 +4 4,064
2019-07-24 -30 232,583 516 0.22% 0 130 +3 4,060
2019-07-23 -12 232,613 438 0.19% 0 130 +3 4,057
2019-07-22 -3 232,625 583 0.25% +1 130 +4 4,054
Daily Average (last 28 days) -13 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) -4,745 0 0
Last 7 days -99 232,326 0 127 -14 4,098
Last 28 days -360 232,587 -2 129 +13 4,071
Last 6 months +4,387 227,840 -6 133 +414 3,670
Last 12 months +29,350 202,877 -12 139 +967 3,117

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Engagement Rate (likes / followedBy)

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