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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-25 14:34 5 years ago -650 545,095 2,330 0.43% +1 210 +6 8,758
2019-08-21 -650 545,095 2,330 0.43% +1 210 +6 8,758
2019-08-20 -820 545,745 2,391 0.44% -3 209 +2 8,752
2019-08-19 -1,271 546,565 2,941 0.54% -1 212 +2 8,750
2019-08-18 -202 547,836 2,402 0.44% -3 213 +3 8,748
2019-08-17 +6,755 548,038 2,610 0.48% 0 216 +5 8,745
2019-08-16 +1,231 541,283 2,704 0.5% +3 216 +6 8,740
2019-08-15 +685 540,052 1,983 0.37% 0 213 +2 8,734
2019-08-14 +283 539,367 1,599 0.3% 0 213 +3 8,732
2019-08-13 -163 539,084 2,453 0.46% 0 213 +5 8,729
2019-08-12 -441 539,247 3,963 0.73% -18 213 +4 8,724
2019-08-11 -462 539,688 3,576 0.66% 0 231 +3 8,720
2019-08-10 -6 540,150 3,784 0.7% 0 231 0 8,717
2019-08-10 -1,455 540,156 3,783 0.7% +10 231 +9 8,717
2019-08-07 -581 541,611 2,838 0.52% -2 221 +5 8,708
2019-08-06 -1,039 542,192 2,610 0.48% +3 223 +3 8,703
2019-08-05 -1,241 543,231 2,460 0.45% -2 220 +3 8,700
2019-08-04 -651 544,472 2,308 0.42% -1 222 +3 8,697
2019-08-03 -754 545,123 3,011 0.55% 0 223 +2 8,694
2019-08-02 -576 545,877 3,722 0.68% +2 223 +4 8,692
2019-08-01 +14,747 546,453 3,874 0.71% -2 221 +3 8,688
2019-07-31 +1,091 531,706 2,997 0.56% +1 223 +5 8,685
2019-07-30 +3,099 530,615 2,337 0.44% +4 222 +4 8,680
2019-07-29 -183 527,516 2,380 0.45% +2 218 +4 8,676
2019-07-28 -92 527,699 1,753 0.33% 0 216 +4 8,672
2019-07-27 -136 527,791 2,062 0.39% +1 216 +2 8,668
2019-07-26 -215 527,927 2,254 0.43% 0 215 +3 8,666
2019-07-25 -148 528,142 1,876 0.36% 0 215 +4 8,663
2019-07-24 -186 528,290 2,296 0.43% +1 215 +4 8,659
2019-07-23 +65 528,476 3,130 0.59% +3 214 +3 8,655
2019-07-22 +148 528,411 3,287 0.62% +3 211 +1 8,652
2019-07-21 +169 528,263 2,442 0.46% -1 208 +4 8,651
Daily Average (last 28 days) +621 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +226,665 0 0
Last 7 days -2,741 547,836 -3 213 +10 8,748
Last 28 days +17,396 527,699 -6 216 +86 8,672
Last 6 months +59,717 485,378 -1,261 1,471 +644 8,114
Last 12 months +90,523 454,572 -1,621 1,831 +1,389 7,369

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Engagement Rate (likes / followedBy)

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Followed By Growth — monthly

Average Likes Per Post — monthly

Average Likes ER — monthly

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