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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-25 03:11 5 лет назад +3,360 232,275 11,614 5% 0 354 +1 2,264
2019-08-21 +3,360 232,275 11,614 5% 0 354 +1 2,264
2019-08-20 +174 228,915 11,869 5.18% 0 354 +3 2,263
2019-08-19 +227 228,741 11,954 5.23% +1 354 0 2,260
2019-08-18 +201 228,514 11,477 5.02% +1 353 +2 2,260
2019-08-17 +243 228,313 12,335 5.4% -1 352 +2 2,258
2019-08-16 +206 228,070 13,246 5.81% +1 353 +2 2,256
2019-08-15 +165 227,864 14,676 6.44% 0 352 +2 2,254
2019-08-14 +268 227,699 15,920 6.99% -44 352 +2 2,252
2019-08-13 +270 227,431 15,548 6.84% -1 396 +1 2,250
2019-08-12 +298 227,161 14,717 6.48% -1 397 0 2,249
2019-08-11 +327 226,863 14,880 6.56% +1 398 +1 2,249
2019-08-10 +1,136 226,536 14,921 6.59% -1 397 +5 2,248
2019-08-07 +375 225,400 13,568 6.02% +1 398 +1 2,243
2019-08-06 +295 225,025 12,769 5.67% 0 397 0 2,242
2019-08-05 +352 224,730 11,178 4.97% 0 397 +1 2,242
2019-08-04 +249 224,378 11,850 5.28% -1 397 +1 2,241
2019-08-03 +247 224,129 12,308 5.49% 0 398 +1 2,240
2019-08-02 +528 223,882 12,075 5.39% 0 398 +1 2,239
2019-08-01 +1,450 223,354 13,292 5.95% 0 398 +2 2,238
2019-07-31 +745 221,904 12,357 5.57% +1 398 0 2,236
2019-07-30 +214 221,159 12,250 5.54% 0 397 +1 2,236
2019-07-29 +253 220,945 13,657 6.18% -1 397 +2 2,235
2019-07-28 +336 220,692 14,277 6.47% 0 398 0 2,233
2019-07-27 +309 220,356 14,346 6.51% 0 398 0 2,233
2019-07-26 +322 220,047 14,226 6.46% 0 398 +1 2,233
2019-07-25 +295 219,725 15,043 6.85% -1 398 +1 2,232
2019-07-24 +317 219,430 15,067 6.87% +1 399 +2 2,231
2019-07-23 +330 219,113 14,438 6.59% 0 398 0 2,229
2019-07-22 +332 218,783 14,363 6.56% +1 398 +1 2,229
2019-07-21 +513 218,451 13,929 6.38% +2 397 0 2,228
2019-07-20 +905 217,938 15,345 7.04% +1 395 +4 2,228
Daily Average (last 28 days) +426 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +155,490 0 0
Last 7 days +3,962 228,313 +2 352 +6 2,258
Last 28 days +11,919 220,356 -44 398 +31 2,233
Last 6 months +113,330 118,945 +59 295 +417 1,847
Last 12 months +159,040 73,235 +87 267 +887 1,377

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