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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-21 08:25 5 лет назад +250 99,058 12,952 13.08% 0 183 +3 493
2019-08-20 +310 98,808 13,890 14.06% 0 183 +2 490
2019-08-19 +367 98,498 14,650 14.87% -2 183 +1 488
2019-08-18 +467 98,131 13,801 14.06% 0 185 -1 487
2019-08-17 +267 97,664 9,324 9.55% 0 185 -3 488
2019-08-16 +272 97,397 6,109 6.27% 0 185 +2 491
2019-08-15 +313 97,125 3,959 4.08% 0 185 +3 489
2019-08-14 +235 96,812 7,709 7.96% 0 185 +4 486
2019-08-13 +292 96,577 10,510 10.88% 0 185 +4 482
2019-08-12 +464 96,285 11,808 12.26% +8 185 +2 478
2019-08-11 +403 95,821 11,051 11.53% 0 177 +3 476
2019-08-10 +1,247 95,418 11,928 12.5% 0 177 +4 473
2019-08-07 +634 94,171 12,154 12.91% +1 177 +2 469
2019-08-06 +442 93,537 9,460 10.11% 0 176 +2 467
2019-08-05 +215 93,095 9,572 10.28% 0 176 +3 465
2019-08-04 +277 92,880 9,288 10% +1 176 +2 462
2019-08-03 +307 92,603 7,960 8.6% -1 175 +4 460
2019-08-02 +409 92,296 9,287 10.06% 0 176 +2 456
2019-08-01 +308 91,887 11,072 12.05% -1 176 +4 454
2019-07-31 +275 91,579 11,635 12.7% 0 177 +2 450
2019-07-30 +176 91,304 10,666 11.68% 0 177 +2 448
2019-07-29 +154 91,128 11,320 12.42% 0 177 +2 446
2019-07-28 +126 90,974 11,485 12.62% +1 177 0 444
2019-07-27 +64 90,848 10,474 11.53% 0 176 -3 444
2019-07-26 +111 90,784 4,097 4.51% 0 176 +2 447
2019-07-25 +113 90,673 8,772 9.67% 0 176 +3 445
2019-07-24 +131 90,560 13,897 15.35% 0 176 +3 442
2019-07-23 +276 90,429 15,715 17.38% 0 176 +3 439
2019-07-22 +279 90,153 12,942 14.36% -1 176 +1 436
Daily Average (last 28 days) +304 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +110,960 0 0
Last 7 days +2,246 96,812 -2 185 +7 486
Last 28 days +8,498 90,560 +7 176 +51 442
Last 6 months +50,393 48,665 -7 190 +178 315
Last 12 months +94,485 4,573 +59 124 +352 141

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Engagement Rate (likes / followedBy)

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