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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-28 20:49 5 years ago +465 1,637,914 13,133 0.8% 0 1,805 +9 9,980
2019-08-21 +112 1,637,449 18,823 1.15% 0 1,805 +2 9,971
2019-08-20 +136 1,637,337 21,644 1.32% +1 1,805 +3 9,969
2019-08-19 +172 1,637,201 18,594 1.14% +1 1,804 +1 9,966
2019-08-18 +188 1,637,029 17,817 1.09% -1 1,803 0 9,965
2019-08-17 +242 1,636,841 17,271 1.06% +1 1,804 +2 9,965
2019-08-16 +202 1,636,599 14,867 0.91% 0 1,803 +2 9,963
2019-08-15 +102 1,636,397 14,533 0.89% 0 1,803 +2 9,961
2019-08-14 +176 1,636,295 13,528 0.83% 0 1,803 +1 9,959
2019-08-13 +6 1,636,119 11,148 0.68% 0 1,803 +3 9,958
2019-08-12 +69 1,636,113 11,447 0.7% -1 1,803 0 9,955
2019-08-11 +60 1,636,044 11,000 0.67% 0 1,804 0 9,955
2019-08-10 +5 1,635,984 9,860 0.6% 0 1,804 0 9,955
2019-08-10 -112 1,635,979 10,071 0.62% -1 1,804 +6 9,955
2019-08-07 -31 1,636,091 10,717 0.66% -1 1,805 +2 9,949
2019-08-06 -100 1,636,122 10,306 0.63% 0 1,806 +2 9,947
2019-08-05 -75 1,636,222 9,906 0.61% 0 1,806 0 9,945
2019-08-04 +11 1,636,297 10,191 0.62% 0 1,806 +1 9,945
2019-08-03 +1 1,636,286 12,711 0.78% 0 1,806 +1 9,944
2019-08-02 +26 1,636,285 10,251 0.63% 0 1,806 +1 9,943
2019-08-01 -99 1,636,259 10,770 0.66% 0 1,806 +1 9,942
2019-07-31 -71 1,636,358 11,789 0.72% 0 1,806 +3 9,941
2019-07-30 +49 1,636,429 11,682 0.71% +2 1,806 +2 9,938
2019-07-29 +11 1,636,380 11,964 0.73% 0 1,804 +1 9,936
2019-07-28 -118 1,636,369 11,347 0.69% -1 1,804 0 9,935
2019-07-27 +34 1,636,487 11,785 0.72% 0 1,805 +2 9,935
2019-07-26 -143 1,636,453 10,672 0.65% 0 1,805 +2 9,933
2019-07-25 -61 1,636,596 11,982 0.73% 0 1,805 +3 9,931
2019-07-24 -32 1,636,657 14,348 0.88% 0 1,805 +2 9,928
Daily Average (last 28 days) +56 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +20,440 0 0
Last 7 days +465 1,637,449 0 1,805 +9 9,971
Last 28 days +1,556 1,636,358 -1 1,806 +39 9,941
Last 6 months +351,861 1,286,053 +64 1,741 +378 9,602
Last 12 months +440,691 1,197,223 +146 1,659 +1,170 8,810

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