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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-09-21 07:13 5 years ago +247,162 13,507,008 301,834 2.23% +51 2,109 +19 844
2019-09-02 +4,165 13,259,846 654,974 4.94% -1 2,058 0 825
2019-09-01 +28,608 13,255,681 653,358 4.93% +3 2,059 -4 825
2019-08-30 +252 13,227,073 594,353 4.49% +1 2,056 +3 829
2019-08-29 +21,129 13,226,821 607,812 4.6% +2 2,055 +1 826
2019-08-28 +85,499 13,205,692 574,870 4.35% +26 2,053 +6 825
2019-08-21 +20,576 13,120,193 328,525 2.5% +8 2,027 +1 819
2019-08-20 +9,354 13,099,617 365,059 2.79% +1 2,019 +1 818
2019-08-19 -6,893 13,090,263 304,989 2.33% +7 2,018 +1 817
2019-08-18 +13,592 13,097,156 290,567 2.22% +4 2,011 0 816
2019-08-17 +15,524 13,083,564 307,851 2.35% +7 2,007 +1 816
2019-08-16 +12,028 13,068,040 331,813 2.54% +4 2,000 0 815
2019-08-15 +13,312 13,056,012 328,830 2.52% +14 1,996 +1 815
2019-08-14 +11,598 13,042,700 298,579 2.29% +2 1,982 -1 814
2019-08-13 +13,402 13,031,102 297,024 2.28% +1 1,980 0 815
2019-08-12 +15,161 13,017,700 282,593 2.17% +4 1,979 0 815
2019-08-11 +14,201 13,002,539 292,470 2.25% +2 1,975 +1 815
2019-08-10 +3,018 12,988,338 289,786 2.23% +3 1,973 +1 814
2019-08-09 +41,316 12,985,320 293,196 2.26% +10 1,970 +6 813
2019-08-07 +13,301 12,944,004 416,870 3.22% +5 1,960 +1 807
2019-08-06 +11,539 12,930,703 428,548 3.31% +1 1,955 +2 806
2019-08-05 +13,797 12,919,164 457,566 3.54% +1 1,954 +2 804
2019-08-04 +16,777 12,905,367 446,170 3.46% 0 1,953 +1 802
2019-08-03 +17,644 12,888,590 411,747 3.19% +4 1,953 +3 801
2019-08-02 +27,823 12,870,946 350,281 2.72% +5 1,949 0 798
2019-08-01 +14,224 12,843,123 342,492 2.67% 0 1,944 +36 798
2019-07-31 +18,317 12,828,899 340,772 2.66% +9 1,944 +2 762
2019-07-30 +16,211 12,810,582 310,416 2.42% +6 1,935 0 760
2019-07-29 +19,013 12,794,371 323,174 2.53% +1 1,929 0 760
2019-07-28 +20,148 12,775,358 300,279 2.35% +9 1,928 +1 760
2019-07-27 +16,211 12,755,210 348,678 2.73% +7 1,919 +3 759
Daily Average (last 28 days) +12,555 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +4,582,575 0 0
Last 24 days +301,316 13,205,692 +56 2,053 +19 825
Last 6 months +1,610,124 11,896,884 +506 1,603 +167 677
Last 12 months +3,184,836 10,322,172 +957 1,152 -2,030 2,874

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