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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-21 01:44 5 years ago +4 19,681 541 2.75% +2 3,685 +1 2,275
2019-08-20 -10 19,677 541 2.75% +2 3,683 +1 2,274
2019-08-19 +8 19,687 559 2.84% +3 3,681 0 2,273
2019-08-17 +11 19,679 524 2.66% +4 3,678 +2 2,273
2019-08-17 +2 19,668 526 2.67% +2 3,674 +1 2,271
2019-08-16 +15 19,666 570 2.9% +5 3,672 0 2,270
2019-08-15 +11 19,651 584 2.97% +1 3,667 +1 2,270
2019-08-14 -3 19,640 600 3.05% 0 3,666 +1 2,269
2019-08-13 -1 19,643 608 3.1% +2 3,666 +1 2,268
2019-08-12 -5 19,644 549 2.79% +2 3,664 +2 2,267
2019-08-11 +3 19,649 577 2.94% +12 3,662 +3 2,265
2019-08-07 +63 19,646 596 3.03% +23 3,650 +5 2,262
2019-07-31 +6 19,583 611 3.12% +1 3,627 +2 2,257
2019-07-30 +5 19,577 577 2.95% +2 3,626 0 2,255
2019-07-29 -4 19,572 563 2.88% +2 3,624 +2 2,255
2019-07-28 +10 19,576 591 3.02% +1 3,622 +1 2,253
2019-07-27 +5 19,566 571 2.92% +4 3,621 +1 2,252
2019-07-26 +5 19,561 564 2.88% 0 3,617 +1 2,251
2019-07-25 -2 19,556 532 2.72% -2 3,617 +1 2,250
2019-07-24 +57 19,558 506 2.59% +4 3,619 0 2,249
2019-07-22 +37 19,501 418 2.14% +4 3,615 +1 2,249
2019-07-21 -1 19,464 490 2.52% +4 3,611 +2 2,248
2019-07-19 -10 19,465 441 2.27% +2 3,607 0 2,246
2019-07-18 -2 19,475 458 2.35% +1 3,605 +2 2,246
2019-07-17 -1 19,477 550 2.82% +1 3,604 +1 2,244
2019-07-16 -4 19,478 578 2.97% +1 3,603 +1 2,243
2019-07-15 +21 19,482 632 3.24% +10 3,602 +8 2,242
2019-07-08 +142 19,461 940 4.83% +2 3,592 +1 2,234
2019-07-06 +3 19,319 946 4.9% +3 3,590 +1 2,233
Daily Average (last 28 days) +4 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +1,460 0 0
Last 7 days +34 19,643 +17 3,666 +6 2,268
Last 27 days +119 19,558 +64 3,619 +25 2,249
Last 4 months +4,247 15,430 +233 3,450 +134 2,140
Last 12 months +5,660 14,017 +533 3,150 +352 1,922

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