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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-20 20:55 5 years ago -27 25,589 566 2.21% +3 305 +1 770
2019-08-19 -5 25,616 568 2.22% 0 302 0 769
2019-08-18 -20 25,621 565 2.21% +1 302 +1 769
2019-08-17 -40 25,641 558 2.18% 0 301 0 768
2019-08-16 -7 25,681 579 2.25% +1 301 +1 768
2019-08-15 -40 25,688 587 2.29% +1 300 +2 767
2019-08-14 -6 25,728 560 2.18% -132 299 +1 765
2019-08-13 +4 25,734 553 2.15% 0 431 +1 764
2019-08-12 +2 25,730 533 2.07% 0 431 +2 763
2019-08-11 +20 25,728 522 2.03% 0 431 +1 761
2019-08-10 -59 25,708 502 1.95% +3 431 +9 760
2019-08-06 +22 25,767 710 2.76% 0 428 +1 751
2019-08-05 +16 25,745 681 2.65% +1 428 0 750
2019-08-04 +12 25,729 730 2.84% +1 427 +3 750
2019-08-04 -4 25,717 640 2.49% +1 426 +2 747
2019-08-03 +41 25,721 647 2.52% 0 425 +3 745
2019-08-01 +64 25,680 531 2.07% +1 425 +1 742
2019-07-31 +3 25,616 556 2.17% +1 424 +6 741
2019-07-30 +2 25,613 590 2.3% 0 423 +2 735
2019-07-29 +13 25,611 561 2.19% -2 423 +4 733
2019-07-28 -13 25,598 558 2.18% +14 425 +2 729
2019-07-27 -4 25,611 602 2.35% +4 411 +3 727
2019-07-26 +14 25,615 648 2.53% +4 407 +5 724
2019-07-25 -30 25,601 639 2.5% 0 403 +4 719
2019-07-24 +18 25,631 598 2.33% +3 403 +1 715
2019-07-23 +22 25,613 607 2.37% +2 400 +1 714
2019-07-22 +24 25,591 636 2.49% +2 398 +3 713
2019-07-21 +12 25,567 634 2.48% +2 396 +4 710
2019-07-20 +3 25,555 696 2.72% +2 394 +5 706
2019-07-19 +38 25,552 802 3.14% 0 392 +7 701
2019-07-18 +49 25,514 788 3.09% 0 392 +7 694
Daily Average (last 28 days) +1 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +365 0 0
Last 7 days -114 25,730 -129 431 +6 763
Last 28 days +25 25,591 -96 398 +56 713
Last 4 months +567 25,049 +96 206 +135 634
Last 12 months +6,593 19,023 +199 103 +438 331

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Followed By Growth

Engagement Rate (likes / followedBy)

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