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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-25 13:59 5 years ago +2,409 569,248 23,541 4.14% +2 1,082 +2 376
2019-08-21 +2,409 569,248 23,541 4.14% +2 1,082 +2 376
2019-08-20 +2,362 566,839 24,691 4.36% 0 1,080 +1 374
2019-08-19 +2,362 564,477 24,428 4.33% +1 1,080 +1 373
2019-08-18 +2,329 562,115 25,653 4.56% 0 1,079 +1 372
2019-08-17 +2,065 559,786 26,570 4.75% +3 1,079 +2 371
2019-08-16 +2,235 557,721 26,615 4.77% 0 1,076 +1 369
2019-08-15 +2,401 555,486 26,014 4.68% +3 1,076 +3 368
2019-08-14 +2,380 553,085 26,479 4.79% -1 1,073 +3 365
2019-08-13 +2,500 550,705 25,111 4.56% +1 1,074 +2 362
2019-08-12 +4,483 548,205 25,064 4.57% +6 1,073 +2 360
2019-08-11 +4,230 543,722 24,216 4.45% +15 1,067 +3 358
2019-08-10 +226 539,492 25,110 4.65% 0 1,052 0 355
2019-08-10 +8,841 539,266 25,045 4.64% -6 1,052 +6 355
2019-08-07 +3,388 530,425 30,286 5.71% -3 1,058 +1 349
2019-08-06 +4,075 527,037 30,309 5.75% -1 1,061 +1 348
2019-08-05 +4,500 522,962 30,716 5.87% -3 1,062 +2 347
2019-08-04 +4,047 518,462 31,559 6.09% 0 1,065 +2 345
2019-08-03 +3,881 514,415 34,351 6.68% -1 1,065 +3 343
2019-08-02 +4,144 510,534 34,423 6.74% +1 1,066 +2 340
2019-08-01 +4,665 506,390 34,600 6.83% +2 1,065 +2 338
2019-07-31 +5,824 501,725 37,475 7.47% +1 1,063 +3 336
2019-07-30 +5,408 495,901 38,239 7.71% +1 1,062 +2 333
2019-07-29 +5,787 490,493 38,210 7.79% +4 1,061 +2 331
2019-07-28 +6,314 484,706 37,731 7.78% +1 1,057 +2 329
2019-07-27 +5,986 478,392 35,833 7.49% +4 1,056 +2 327
2019-07-26 +6,175 472,406 33,997 7.2% +2 1,052 +2 325
2019-07-25 +5,648 466,231 31,077 6.67% 0 1,050 +2 323
2019-07-24 +4,280 460,583 31,167 6.77% 0 1,050 +1 321
2019-07-23 +2,913 456,303 31,427 6.89% +4 1,050 +4 320
Daily Average (last 28 days) +3,019 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +1,101,935 0 0
Last 7 days +7,133 562,115 +3 1,079 +4 372
Last 28 days +84,542 484,706 +25 1,057 +47 329
Last 6 months +264,035 305,213 +84 998 +119 257
Last 12 months +491,376 77,872 +159 923 +182 194

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