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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-09-21 07:25 5 years ago +137,409 10,544,619 148,879 1.41% +2 161 +4 966
2019-09-02 -110 10,407,210 129,540 1.24% 0 159 0 962
2019-09-01 +11,638 10,407,320 129,474 1.24% 0 159 +2 962
2019-08-30 +10,245 10,395,682 150,890 1.45% -1 159 0 960
2019-08-29 +13,561 10,385,437 150,339 1.45% 0 160 0 960
2019-08-28 +44,672 10,371,876 152,898 1.47% +3 160 +2 960
2019-08-21 +4,771 10,327,204 148,006 1.43% 0 157 0 958
2019-08-20 +6,266 10,322,433 147,906 1.43% 0 157 0 958
2019-08-19 +6,437 10,316,167 147,786 1.43% 0 157 0 958
2019-08-18 +4,905 10,309,730 147,639 1.43% 0 157 0 958
2019-08-17 +6,811 10,304,825 147,487 1.43% -1 157 0 958
2019-08-16 +4,604 10,298,014 147,265 1.43% -1 158 0 958
2019-08-15 +6,304 10,293,410 146,257 1.42% +1 159 0 958
2019-08-14 +6,593 10,287,106 133,887 1.3% 0 158 +1 958
2019-08-13 +8,601 10,280,513 139,985 1.36% 0 158 +1 957
2019-08-12 +5,569 10,271,912 134,910 1.31% 0 158 0 956
2019-08-11 +5,040 10,266,343 132,573 1.29% 0 158 +1 956
2019-08-10 +904 10,261,303 129,785 1.26% 0 158 0 955
2019-08-09 +18,631 10,260,399 129,771 1.26% +1 158 0 955
2019-08-07 +8,787 10,241,768 129,360 1.26% +1 157 0 955
2019-08-06 +9,903 10,232,981 129,161 1.26% 0 156 0 955
2019-08-05 +9,695 10,223,078 128,910 1.26% +1 156 0 955
2019-08-04 +6,091 10,213,383 128,441 1.26% +1 155 0 955
2019-08-03 +7,783 10,207,292 130,810 1.28% 0 154 +1 955
2019-08-02 +6,507 10,199,509 134,728 1.32% +1 154 0 954
2019-08-01 +7,943 10,193,002 135,845 1.33% 0 153 +1 954
2019-07-31 +7,996 10,185,059 147,998 1.45% 0 153 0 953
2019-07-30 +6,756 10,177,063 155,796 1.53% 0 153 +1 953
2019-07-29 +8,643 10,170,307 160,945 1.58% 0 153 0 952
2019-07-28 +7,678 10,161,664 160,713 1.58% 0 153 0 952
2019-07-27 +8,850 10,153,986 160,488 1.58% +1 153 0 952
Daily Average (last 28 days) +7,198 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +2,627,270 0 0
Last 24 days +172,743 10,371,876 +1 160 +6 960
Last 6 months +1,002,386 9,542,233 -25 186 +55 911
Last 12 months +2,144,372 8,400,247 +2 159 +115 851

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