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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-09-21 08:59 5 лет назад +17,830 4,521,540 25,132 0.56% +27 894 +43 3,182
2019-08-29 +405 4,503,710 42,127 0.94% +7 867 +3 3,139
2019-08-28 +6,522 4,503,305 43,155 0.96% +3 860 +14 3,136
2019-08-21 +839 4,496,783 33,591 0.75% +3 857 +2 3,122
2019-08-20 +871 4,495,944 33,986 0.76% 0 854 +2 3,120
2019-08-19 +936 4,495,073 34,926 0.78% 0 854 +2 3,118
2019-08-18 +810 4,494,137 33,268 0.74% +2 854 +2 3,116
2019-08-17 +757 4,493,327 30,444 0.68% +1 852 +2 3,114
2019-08-16 +829 4,492,570 35,839 0.8% 0 851 +2 3,112
2019-08-15 +1,057 4,491,741 34,553 0.77% 0 851 +2 3,110
2019-08-14 +843 4,490,684 32,286 0.72% +2 851 +2 3,108
2019-08-13 +727 4,489,841 32,326 0.72% +2 849 +1 3,106
2019-08-12 +696 4,489,114 32,409 0.72% +14 847 +2 3,105
2019-08-11 +614 4,488,418 30,600 0.68% 0 833 +2 3,103
2019-08-10 +52 4,487,804 25,922 0.58% 0 833 0 3,101
2019-08-10 +1,149 4,487,752 25,890 0.58% 0 833 +6 3,101
2019-08-07 +532 4,486,603 29,142 0.65% -1 833 +2 3,095
2019-08-06 +373 4,486,071 34,676 0.77% 0 834 +2 3,093
2019-08-05 +310 4,485,698 32,996 0.74% 0 834 +2 3,091
2019-08-04 +461 4,485,388 40,522 0.9% 0 834 +2 3,089
2019-08-03 +592 4,484,927 42,606 0.95% +1 834 +1 3,087
2019-08-02 +569 4,484,335 45,783 1.02% +1 833 +2 3,086
2019-08-01 +736 4,483,766 42,016 0.94% +1 832 +2 3,084
2019-07-31 +653 4,483,030 45,542 1.02% +3 831 +2 3,082
2019-07-30 +839 4,482,377 46,786 1.04% +1 828 +2 3,080
2019-07-29 +915 4,481,538 56,662 1.26% 0 827 +2 3,078
2019-07-28 +658 4,480,623 54,680 1.22% 0 827 +2 3,076
2019-07-27 +890 4,479,965 58,552 1.31% +7 827 +2 3,074
2019-07-26 +987 4,479,075 56,521 1.26% 0 820 +2 3,072
2019-07-25 +827 4,478,088 54,961 1.23% -1 820 +2 3,070
2019-07-24 +545 4,477,261 36,544 0.82% +1 821 +2 3,068
Daily Average (last 28 days) +760 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +277,400 0 0
Last 24 days +18,235 4,503,305 +34 860 +46 3,136
Last 6 months +100,607 4,420,933 +254 640 +354 2,828
Last 12 months +341,664 4,179,876 +312 582 +726 2,456

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Engagement Rate (likes / followedBy)

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Followed By Growth — monthly

Average Likes Per Post — monthly

Average Likes ER — monthly

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