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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-28 22:02 5 years ago -739 1,117,489 98,721 8.83% +59 3,038 +1 197
2019-08-21 +65 1,118,228 91,403 8.17% -2 2,979 -1 196
2019-08-20 -255 1,118,163 96,794 8.66% +1 2,981 +1 197
2019-08-19 +68 1,118,418 93,354 8.35% +1 2,980 0 196
2019-08-18 +92 1,118,350 93,239 8.34% -3 2,979 0 196
2019-08-17 +10 1,118,258 93,118 8.33% +1 2,982 0 196
2019-08-16 +27 1,118,248 92,981 8.31% +2 2,981 -1 196
2019-08-15 +63 1,118,221 90,632 8.11% -1 2,979 -1 197
2019-08-14 -152 1,118,158 88,115 7.88% 0 2,980 +1 198
2019-08-13 -54 1,118,310 98,298 8.79% +8 2,980 +1 197
2019-08-12 -181 1,118,364 93,152 8.33% -5 2,972 +1 196
2019-08-11 -24 1,118,545 98,819 8.83% +20 2,977 -4 195
2019-08-10 -5 1,118,569 98,231 8.78% 0 2,957 0 199
2019-08-10 +227 1,118,574 98,160 8.78% +61 2,957 +3 199
2019-08-07 +231 1,118,347 97,619 8.73% +14 2,896 +1 196
2019-08-06 +70 1,118,116 100,698 9.01% -2 2,882 0 195
2019-08-05 +338 1,118,046 100,573 9% +1 2,884 0 195
2019-08-04 +324 1,117,708 100,463 8.99% +3 2,883 0 195
2019-08-03 +340 1,117,384 100,179 8.97% +3 2,880 0 195
2019-08-02 +203 1,117,044 106,602 9.54% -3 2,877 +2 195
2019-08-01 +382 1,116,841 105,043 9.41% 0 2,880 0 193
2019-07-31 +381 1,116,459 104,881 9.39% -5 2,880 0 193
2019-07-30 +369 1,116,078 104,634 9.38% +5 2,885 -1 193
2019-07-29 +430 1,115,709 98,397 8.82% +4 2,880 0 194
2019-07-28 +416 1,115,279 97,905 8.78% +12 2,876 +1 194
2019-07-27 +508 1,114,863 102,285 9.17% +6 2,864 +1 193
2019-07-26 +294 1,114,355 101,329 9.09% -1 2,858 -3 192
2019-07-25 +16 1,114,061 90,095 8.09% +1 2,859 0 195
2019-07-24 +101 1,114,045 89,832 8.06% +1 2,858 0 195
2019-07-23 +21 1,113,944 96,469 8.66% -5 2,857 0 195
2019-07-22 +113 1,113,923 102,975 9.24% +1 2,862 +1 195
Daily Average (last 28 days) +37 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +13,505 0 0
Last 7 days -739 1,118,228 +59 2,979 +1 196
Last 28 days +1,030 1,116,459 +158 2,880 +4 193
Last 6 months +72,945 1,044,544 +659 2,379 +12 185
Last 12 months +296,671 820,818 -614 3,652 +21 176

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