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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-09-21 13:01 5 years ago +409,353 4,621,601 409,001 8.85% +9 805 +39 697
2019-08-29 +23,576 4,212,248 285,825 6.79% +2 796 0 658
2019-08-28 +125,226 4,188,672 283,374 6.77% +13 794 +20 658
2019-08-21 +18,842 4,063,446 317,807 7.82% 0 781 0 638
2019-08-20 +15,975 4,044,604 295,750 7.31% 0 781 +4 638
2019-08-19 +16,028 4,028,629 332,316 8.25% +4 781 +1 634
2019-08-18 +18,613 4,012,601 329,306 8.21% +2 777 +2 633
2019-08-17 +16,472 3,993,988 356,882 8.94% +2 775 +1 631
2019-08-16 +14,492 3,977,516 365,417 9.19% 0 773 +3 630
2019-08-15 +12,476 3,963,024 357,888 9.03% 0 773 0 627
2019-08-14 +14,856 3,950,548 376,589 9.53% 0 773 +1 627
2019-08-13 +17,272 3,935,692 376,823 9.57% -1 773 +3 626
2019-08-12 +15,737 3,918,420 371,949 9.49% +2 774 +2 623
2019-08-11 +14,204 3,902,683 340,675 8.73% 0 772 +1 621
2019-08-10 +329 3,888,479 336,852 8.66% 0 772 0 620
2019-08-10 +42,385 3,888,150 336,505 8.65% -3 772 +3 620
2019-08-07 +16,278 3,845,765 354,777 9.23% 0 775 0 617
2019-08-06 +15,437 3,829,487 393,942 10.29% -1 775 +4 617
2019-08-05 +13,900 3,814,050 403,421 10.58% -2 776 +4 613
2019-08-04 +18,273 3,800,150 357,152 9.4% +1 778 +1 609
2019-08-03 +17,898 3,781,877 354,484 9.37% -3 777 0 608
2019-08-02 +14,181 3,763,979 311,933 8.29% -3 780 +4 608
2019-08-01 +21,244 3,749,798 329,917 8.8% +6 783 +3 604
2019-07-31 +35,004 3,728,554 355,386 9.53% +2 777 +2 601
2019-07-30 +32,323 3,693,550 407,027 11.02% +6 775 +2 599
2019-07-29 +26,677 3,661,227 392,747 10.73% +3 769 +2 597
2019-07-28 +17,397 3,634,550 362,162 9.96% +5 766 +1 595
2019-07-27 +20,421 3,617,153 330,067 9.13% +3 761 +5 594
2019-07-26 +26,590 3,596,732 302,030 8.4% +1 758 +2 589
2019-07-25 +18,842 3,570,142 317,592 8.9% -1 757 0 587
2019-07-24 +21,743 3,551,300 326,565 9.2% 0 758 +2 587
Daily Average (last 28 days) +18,039 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +6,584,235 0 0
Last 24 days +432,929 4,188,672 +11 794 +39 658
Last 6 months +4,384,438 237,163 +281 524 +602 95

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