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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-26 00:30 5 years ago +822 408,873 4,251 1.04% +20 2,347 +4 7,054
2019-08-21 +822 408,873 4,251 1.04% +20 2,347 +4 7,054
2019-08-20 +291 408,051 3,451 0.85% 0 2,327 0 7,050
2019-08-19 +291 407,760 3,240 0.79% +1 2,327 +1 7,050
2019-08-18 +259 407,469 3,131 0.77% +2 2,326 +1 7,049
2019-08-17 +19 407,210 2,543 0.62% +1 2,324 +2 7,048
2019-08-16 +557 407,191 3,698 0.91% +4 2,323 +3 7,046
2019-08-15 +621 406,634 3,377 0.83% -1 2,319 +1 7,043
2019-08-14 +869 406,013 3,547 0.87% +6 2,320 +1 7,042
2019-08-13 +379 405,144 3,791 0.94% -1 2,314 +3 7,041
2019-08-12 +409 404,765 3,175 0.78% +2 2,315 +2 7,038
2019-08-11 +395 404,356 3,220 0.8% 0 2,313 0 7,036
2019-08-10 +1,213 403,961 2,973 0.74% +3 2,313 +7 7,036
2019-08-07 +538 402,748 2,984 0.74% 0 2,310 0 7,029
2019-08-06 +395 402,210 2,630 0.65% +4 2,310 +1 7,029
2019-08-05 +401 401,815 2,315 0.58% +2 2,306 +1 7,028
2019-08-04 +374 401,414 2,088 0.52% +1 2,304 +1 7,027
2019-08-03 +156 401,040 2,358 0.59% -2 2,303 +6 7,026
2019-08-02 +187 400,884 2,713 0.68% 0 2,305 +3 7,020
2019-08-01 +213 400,697 3,161 0.79% +1 2,305 +1 7,017
2019-07-31 +238 400,484 3,301 0.82% +5 2,304 +3 7,016
2019-07-30 +338 400,246 4,155 1.04% +6 2,299 +3 7,013
2019-07-29 +492 399,908 4,149 1.04% +5 2,293 +1 7,010
2019-07-28 +30 399,416 3,027 0.76% 0 2,288 +2 7,009
2019-07-27 +277 399,386 2,772 0.69% +3 2,288 +2 7,007
2019-07-26 +659 399,109 2,653 0.66% 0 2,285 0 7,005
2019-07-25 +325 398,450 2,355 0.59% +1 2,285 +4 7,005
2019-07-24 +213 398,125 2,170 0.55% +2 2,284 +3 7,001
2019-07-23 +339 397,912 2,263 0.57% +5 2,282 +4 6,998
2019-07-22 +320 397,573 1,874 0.47% -1 2,277 0 6,994
2019-07-21 +220 397,253 1,801 0.45% +1 2,278 0 6,994
2019-07-20 +332 397,033 1,533 0.39% +3 2,277 +2 6,994
Daily Average (last 28 days) +338 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +123,370 0 0
Last 7 days +1,404 407,469 +21 2,326 +5 7,049
Last 28 days +9,457 399,416 +59 2,288 +45 7,009
Last 6 months +62,981 345,892 +380 1,967 +393 6,661
Last 12 months +153,310 255,563 +208 2,139 +829 6,225

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