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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-21 14:54 5 years ago -16 47,904 491 1.02% +2 197 +9 3,126
2019-08-20 -4 47,920 394 0.82% +33 195 +5 3,117
2019-08-19 -10 47,924 339 0.71% +21 162 +6 3,112
2019-08-18 +6 47,934 244 0.51% +4 141 +3 3,106
2019-08-17 +10 47,928 452 0.94% +6 137 +7 3,103
2019-08-16 +14 47,918 463 0.97% +5 131 +5 3,096
2019-08-15 +12 47,904 509 1.06% +10 126 +8 3,091
2019-08-14 +2 47,892 259 0.54% +6 116 +6 3,083
2019-08-13 +1 47,890 440 0.92% +2 110 +4 3,077
2019-08-12 +3 47,889 368 0.77% +10 108 +5 3,073
2019-08-11 -8 47,886 333 0.7% +48 98 +3 3,068
2019-08-10 +26 47,894 300 0.63% +12 50 +14 3,065
2019-08-07 +16 47,868 430 0.9% +3 38 +5 3,051
2019-08-06 +32 47,852 653 1.36% +6 35 +4 3,046
2019-08-05 +15 47,820 495 1.04% 0 29 +1 3,042
2019-08-04 -1 47,805 543 1.14% +2 29 +3 3,041
2019-08-03 +3 47,806 604 1.26% +4 27 +5 3,038
2019-08-02 +19 47,803 474 0.99% +9 23 +2 3,033
2019-08-01 +8 47,784 272 0.57% +6 14 +2 3,031
2019-07-31 +11 47,776 342 0.72% +6 8 +5 3,029
2019-07-30 +11 47,765 477 1% -187 2 +3 3,024
2019-07-29 +6 47,754 399 0.84% +59 189 +3 3,021
2019-07-28 +19 47,748 415 0.87% +38 130 +3 3,018
2019-07-27 -2 47,729 305 0.64% +7 92 +3 3,015
2019-07-26 +5 47,731 293 0.61% +81 85 -3 3,012
2019-07-25 +12 47,726 277 0.58% -436 4 +4 3,015
2019-07-24 +4 47,714 204 0.43% +8 440 +3 3,011
2019-07-23 +6 47,710 281 0.59% +4 432 +7 3,008
2019-07-22 +23 47,704 291 0.61% +7 428 +6 3,001
2019-07-21 +7 47,681 287 0.6% +2 421 0 2,995
2019-07-20 +14 47,674 315 0.66% +2 419 +7 2,995
Daily Average (last 28 days) +7 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +2,555 0 0
Last 7 days +12 47,892 +81 116 +43 3,083
Last 28 days +190 47,714 -243 440 +115 3,011
Last 6 months +4,118 43,786 -259 456 +781 2,345
Last 12 months +10,578 37,326 +167 30 +1,502 1,624

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Followed By Growth

Engagement Rate (likes / followedBy)

Average Likes Per Post



Followed By Growth — monthly

Average Likes Per Post — monthly

Average Likes ER — monthly

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