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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-28 22:56 5 years ago +6,852 892,115 9,156 1.03% -1 667 +96 10,964
2019-08-21 +969 885,263 13,889 1.57% 0 668 +10 10,868
2019-08-20 +951 884,294 6,093 0.69% 0 668 +10 10,858
2019-08-19 +1,244 883,343 43,644 4.94% 0 668 +9 10,848
2019-08-18 +1,285 882,099 13,203 1.5% 0 668 +17 10,839
2019-08-17 +1,094 880,814 9,947 1.13% +1 668 +15 10,822
2019-08-16 +948 879,720 7,593 0.86% 0 667 +11 10,807
2019-08-15 +1,093 878,772 9,807 1.12% +1 667 +11 10,796
2019-08-14 +1,030 877,679 15,380 1.75% 0 666 +7 10,785
2019-08-13 +989 876,649 8,703 0.99% 0 666 +6 10,778
2019-08-12 +1,211 875,660 48,892 5.58% 0 666 +9 10,772
2019-08-11 +1,052 874,449 10,177 1.16% 0 666 +14 10,763
2019-08-10 +32 873,397 11,746 1.34% 0 666 0 10,749
2019-08-10 +2,520 873,365 13,586 1.56% -1 666 +35 10,749
2019-08-07 +1,060 870,845 8,090 0.93% 0 667 +10 10,714
2019-08-06 +936 869,785 19,406 2.23% +1 667 +10 10,704
2019-08-05 +1,092 868,849 11,986 1.38% 0 666 +12 10,694
2019-08-04 +931 867,757 12,643 1.46% 0 666 +16 10,682
2019-08-03 +810 866,826 14,646 1.69% 0 666 +14 10,666
2019-08-02 +915 866,016 9,780 1.13% 0 666 +9 10,652
2019-08-01 +846 865,101 13,403 1.55% 0 666 +12 10,643
2019-07-31 +833 864,255 25,906 3% +1 666 +8 10,631
2019-07-30 +980 863,422 19,670 2.28% -1 665 +1 10,623
2019-07-29 +1,147 862,442 15,789 1.83% 0 666 +13 10,622
2019-07-28 +1,195 861,295 15,010 1.74% 0 666 +13 10,609
2019-07-27 +776 860,100 25,317 2.94% +1 666 +9 10,596
2019-07-26 +910 859,324 22,251 2.59% 0 665 +9 10,587
2019-07-25 +1,017 858,414 9,855 1.15% 0 665 +11 10,578
2019-07-24 +851 857,397 16,237 1.89% 0 665 +8 10,567
2019-07-23 +967 856,546 12,336 1.44% +1 665 +9 10,559
2019-07-22 +1,386 855,579 15,074 1.76% 0 664 +15 10,550
Daily Average (last 28 days) +995 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +363,175 0 0
Last 7 days +6,852 885,263 -1 668 +96 10,868
Last 28 days +27,860 864,255 +1 666 +333 10,631
Last 6 months +175,224 716,891 -21 688 +1,655 9,309
Last 12 months +355,578 536,537 -8 675 +3,030 7,934

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