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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-28 22:43 5 years ago +209 958,594 18,079 1.89% -14 4,656 +11 2,118
2019-08-21 -52 958,385 40,852 4.26% -2 4,670 0 2,107
2019-08-20 -223 958,437 43,026 4.49% 0 4,672 +1 2,107
2019-08-19 +1,374 958,660 45,206 4.72% +8 4,672 +2 2,106
2019-08-18 +1,173 957,286 38,225 3.99% -2 4,664 +2 2,104
2019-08-17 +847 956,113 34,300 3.59% 0 4,666 +2 2,102
2019-08-16 -1 955,266 30,695 3.21% 0 4,666 +1 2,100
2019-08-15 +69 955,267 29,190 3.06% -1 4,666 0 2,099
2019-08-14 +599 955,198 29,116 3.05% -2 4,667 0 2,099
2019-08-13 +3,726 954,599 28,688 3.01% +2 4,669 0 2,099
2019-08-12 +465 950,873 17,251 1.81% +5 4,667 +3 2,099
2019-08-11 -52 950,408 15,312 1.61% -5 4,662 +1 2,096
2019-08-10 -66 950,460 14,795 1.56% -1 4,667 0 2,095
2019-08-10 +621 950,526 14,790 1.56% -25 4,668 +3 2,095
2019-08-07 +632 949,905 18,772 1.98% -9 4,693 +2 2,092
2019-08-06 +610 949,273 26,795 2.82% -13 4,702 +3 2,090
2019-08-05 +788 948,663 27,099 2.86% -6 4,715 0 2,087
2019-08-04 +1,259 947,875 26,735 2.82% -18 4,721 +1 2,087
2019-08-03 +1,045 946,616 28,582 3.02% -6 4,739 +2 2,086
2019-08-02 +1,107 945,571 28,987 3.07% -2 4,745 +1 2,084
2019-08-01 +927 944,464 27,426 2.9% -5 4,747 0 2,083
2019-07-31 +1,025 943,537 29,502 3.13% -3 4,752 +1 2,083
2019-07-30 +1,244 942,512 30,928 3.28% -8 4,755 +1 2,082
2019-07-29 +1,336 941,268 25,598 2.72% -8 4,763 +2 2,081
2019-07-28 +1,199 939,932 22,119 2.35% -1 4,771 +2 2,079
2019-07-27 +1,011 938,733 22,746 2.42% -2 4,772 +5 2,077
2019-07-26 +744 937,722 41,058 4.38% -4 4,774 +2 2,072
2019-07-25 +1,072 936,978 36,899 3.94% -14 4,778 0 2,070
2019-07-24 +728 935,906 41,731 4.46% -4 4,792 +3 2,070
2019-07-23 +611 935,178 35,593 3.81% -16 4,796 +1 2,067
2019-07-22 +967 934,567 20,673 2.21% 0 4,812 +4 2,066
Daily Average (last 28 days) +538 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +196,370 0 0
Last 7 days +209 958,385 -14 4,670 +11 2,107
Last 28 days +15,057 943,537 -96 4,752 +35 2,083
Last 6 months +103,702 854,892 -1,144 5,800 +255 1,863
Last 12 months +269,547 689,047 -988 5,644 +501 1,617

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Engagement Rate (likes / followedBy)

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Followed By Growth — monthly

Average Likes Per Post — monthly

Average Likes ER — monthly

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