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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-09-21 07:09 5 years ago +126,851 14,998,533 102,622 0.68% +22 1,213 +44 13,071
2019-09-02 +2,323 14,871,682 29,175 0.2% 0 1,191 +1 13,027
2019-09-01 +12,459 14,869,359 40,462 0.27% 0 1,191 +6 13,026
2019-08-30 +5,494 14,856,900 78,926 0.53% 0 1,191 +3 13,020
2019-08-29 +8,595 14,851,406 73,154 0.49% 0 1,191 +3 13,017
2019-08-28 +43,930 14,842,811 65,675 0.44% +14 1,191 +10 13,014
2019-08-21 +6,511 14,798,881 68,791 0.46% +3 1,177 +3 13,004
2019-08-20 +6,773 14,792,370 74,469 0.5% +3 1,174 +3 13,001
2019-08-19 +7,920 14,785,597 60,849 0.41% +1 1,171 +2 12,998
2019-08-18 +6,979 14,777,677 56,301 0.38% 0 1,170 +1 12,996
2019-08-17 +7,262 14,770,698 61,391 0.42% +3 1,170 +1 12,995
2019-08-16 +6,759 14,763,436 85,118 0.58% 0 1,167 +4 12,994
2019-08-15 +5,728 14,756,677 65,579 0.44% 0 1,167 +1 12,990
2019-08-14 +7,383 14,750,949 56,284 0.38% +5 1,167 +2 12,989
2019-08-13 +4,762 14,743,566 79,507 0.54% 0 1,162 +6 12,987
2019-08-12 +5,834 14,738,804 51,743 0.35% 0 1,162 +2 12,981
2019-08-11 +6,126 14,732,970 50,297 0.34% 0 1,162 0 12,979
2019-08-10 +1,947 14,726,844 46,401 0.32% 0 1,162 0 12,979
2019-08-09 +15,865 14,724,897 45,921 0.31% 0 1,162 +7 12,979
2019-08-07 +5,019 14,709,032 113,642 0.77% 0 1,162 +1 12,972
2019-08-06 +5,052 14,704,013 147,559 1% +1 1,162 +3 12,971
2019-08-05 +6,416 14,698,961 120,491 0.82% +1 1,161 0 12,968
2019-08-04 +6,280 14,692,545 119,715 0.81% 0 1,160 +2 12,968
2019-08-03 +7,981 14,686,265 141,467 0.96% -1 1,160 +2 12,966
2019-08-02 +6,821 14,678,284 126,956 0.86% +1 1,161 0 12,964
2019-08-01 +6,748 14,671,463 123,270 0.84% 0 1,160 +3 12,964
2019-07-31 +8,060 14,664,715 140,070 0.96% +2 1,160 +1 12,961
2019-07-30 +7,777 14,656,655 128,702 0.88% -1 1,158 0 12,960
2019-07-29 +6,957 14,648,878 126,605 0.86% 0 1,159 0 12,960
2019-07-28 +5,453 14,641,921 127,356 0.87% +3 1,159 +2 12,960
2019-07-27 +3,640 14,636,468 133,551 0.91% -1 1,156 +1 12,958
Daily Average (last 28 days) +6,488 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +2,368,120 0 0
Last 24 days +155,722 14,842,811 +22 1,191 +57 13,014
Last 6 months +1,320,537 13,677,996 +97 1,116 -290 13,361
Last 12 months +3,319,170 11,679,363 -264 1,477 -640 13,711

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