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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-21 08:17 5 years ago +2 101,019 338 0.33% +7 2,248 +3 4,326
2019-08-20 -18 101,017 404 0.4% +9 2,241 +2 4,323
2019-08-19 -9 101,035 348 0.34% +8 2,232 +3 4,321
2019-08-18 -50 101,044 392 0.39% -4 2,224 0 4,318
2019-08-17 -35 101,094 388 0.38% +7 2,228 +2 4,318
2019-08-16 -25 101,129 482 0.48% +27 2,221 +2 4,316
2019-08-15 +374 101,154 398 0.39% +2 2,194 +2 4,314
2019-08-14 -23 100,780 443 0.44% -70 2,192 +4 4,312
2019-08-13 -25 100,803 364 0.36% +33 2,262 +2 4,308
2019-08-12 -20 100,828 381 0.38% +7 2,229 +1 4,306
2019-08-11 -14 100,848 328 0.33% -3 2,222 +1 4,305
2019-08-10 -88 100,862 271 0.27% -21 2,225 +3 4,304
2019-08-07 -12 100,950 291 0.29% -15 2,246 +1 4,301
2019-08-06 -18 100,962 283 0.28% -1 2,261 0 4,300
2019-08-05 -17 100,980 269 0.27% +5 2,262 0 4,300
2019-08-04 -32 100,997 268 0.27% +5 2,257 0 4,300
2019-08-03 -6 101,029 302 0.3% +52 2,252 +2 4,300
2019-08-02 +12 101,035 291 0.29% +108 2,200 +3 4,298
2019-08-01 -9 101,023 294 0.29% -167 2,092 +3 4,295
2019-07-31 +31 101,032 381 0.38% +99 2,259 +3 4,292
2019-07-30 -43 101,001 331 0.33% -156 2,160 +3 4,289
2019-07-29 -36 101,044 346 0.34% +66 2,316 +3 4,286
2019-07-28 -24 101,080 330 0.33% +38 2,250 +2 4,283
2019-07-27 -19 101,104 326 0.32% +101 2,212 +2 4,281
2019-07-26 -20 101,123 319 0.32% -190 2,111 +3 4,279
2019-07-25 -19 101,143 381 0.38% +50 2,301 +2 4,276
2019-07-24 -41 101,162 335 0.33% -71 2,251 +4 4,274
2019-07-23 -6 101,203 403 0.4% +88 2,322 +3 4,270
2019-07-22 -44 101,209 348 0.34% +86 2,234 +3 4,267
Daily Average (last 28 days) -5 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) -1,825 0 0
Last 7 days +239 100,780 +56 2,192 +14 4,312
Last 28 days -143 101,162 -3 2,251 +52 4,274
Last 6 months +6,030 94,989 +80 2,168 +461 3,865
Last 12 months +26,248 74,771 -32 2,280 +1,020 3,306

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Engagement Rate (likes / followedBy)

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