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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-21 09:27 5 лет назад +2 84,318 219 0.26% 0 5,727 +1 1,570
2019-08-20 +22 84,316 209 0.25% -1 5,727 +2 1,569
2019-08-19 +34 84,294 204 0.24% +1 5,728 0 1,567
2019-08-18 +36 84,260 201 0.24% -1 5,727 +2 1,567
2019-08-17 +40 84,224 203 0.24% +1 5,728 +1 1,565
2019-08-16 +51 84,184 211 0.25% +6 5,727 +1 1,564
2019-08-15 +28 84,133 212 0.25% -5 5,721 +3 1,563
2019-08-14 +21 84,105 245 0.29% -2 5,726 0 1,560
2019-08-13 +63 84,084 249 0.3% 0 5,728 +1 1,560
2019-08-12 +46 84,021 246 0.29% -1 5,728 +1 1,559
2019-08-11 +23 83,975 299 0.36% +1 5,729 +5 1,558
2019-08-10 +125 83,952 269 0.32% -2 5,728 +5 1,553
2019-08-07 +19 83,827 234 0.28% -3 5,730 +3 1,548
2019-08-06 +26 83,808 243 0.29% +3 5,733 +2 1,545
2019-08-05 +64 83,782 245 0.29% 0 5,730 0 1,543
2019-08-04 +72 83,718 241 0.29% 0 5,730 0 1,543
2019-08-03 +64 83,646 256 0.31% -1 5,730 +3 1,543
2019-08-02 +47 83,582 267 0.32% -175 5,731 +2 1,540
2019-08-01 +58 83,535 284 0.34% +5 5,906 +2 1,538
2019-07-31 +47 83,477 289 0.35% +3 5,901 +4 1,536
2019-07-30 +34 83,430 293 0.35% +2 5,898 +3 1,532
2019-07-29 +19 83,396 291 0.35% +4 5,896 0 1,529
2019-07-28 +22 83,377 290 0.35% +1 5,892 +1 1,529
2019-07-27 +22 83,355 285 0.34% +2 5,891 +1 1,528
2019-07-26 -6 83,333 256 0.31% -90 5,889 +4 1,527
2019-07-25 -13 83,339 267 0.32% +42 5,979 +3 1,523
2019-07-24 -9 83,352 270 0.32% 0 5,937 +2 1,520
2019-07-23 +12 83,361 303 0.36% +1 5,937 +3 1,518
2019-07-22 -22 83,349 288 0.35% -1 5,936 +1 1,515
Daily Average (last 28 days) +35 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +12,775 0 0
Last 7 days +213 84,105 +1 5,726 +10 1,560
Last 28 days +966 83,352 -210 5,937 +50 1,520
Last 6 months -1,904 86,222 +390 5,337 +115 1,455
Last 12 months -2,832 87,150 +391 5,336 +200 1,370

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Engagement Rate (likes / followedBy)

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