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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-09-21 07:58 5 years ago +72,886 7,037,623 20,992 0.3% -39 1,033 +37 4,001
2019-09-02 +1,277 6,964,737 35,690 0.51% +1 1,072 0 3,964
2019-09-02 +7,705 6,963,460 35,210 0.51% -2 1,071 +9 3,964
2019-08-29 +2,473 6,955,755 21,993 0.32% +1 1,073 +3 3,955
2019-08-28 +17,175 6,953,282 25,915 0.37% +2 1,072 +14 3,952
2019-08-21 +1,532 6,936,107 20,003 0.29% -1 1,070 +2 3,938
2019-08-20 +1,820 6,934,575 25,007 0.36% 0 1,071 +5 3,936
2019-08-19 +2,481 6,932,755 29,124 0.42% 0 1,071 +2 3,931
2019-08-18 +805 6,930,274 22,537 0.33% 0 1,071 +2 3,929
2019-08-17 +1,418 6,929,469 26,618 0.38% -1 1,071 +2 3,927
2019-08-16 +2,201 6,928,051 24,251 0.35% +1 1,072 +2 3,925
2019-08-15 +2,604 6,925,850 35,235 0.51% 0 1,071 +1 3,923
2019-08-14 +2,314 6,923,246 31,998 0.46% 0 1,071 +2 3,922
2019-08-13 +3,154 6,920,932 36,799 0.53% 0 1,071 +4 3,920
2019-08-12 +3,740 6,917,778 32,623 0.47% 0 1,071 +1 3,916
2019-08-11 +1,989 6,914,038 27,406 0.4% -1 1,071 +3 3,915
2019-08-10 +163 6,912,049 37,778 0.55% 0 1,072 0 3,912
2019-08-10 +9,749 6,911,886 37,720 0.55% +2 1,072 +5 3,912
2019-08-07 +4,155 6,902,137 46,878 0.68% 0 1,070 +1 3,907
2019-08-06 +4,779 6,897,982 46,313 0.67% +1 1,070 +1 3,906
2019-08-05 +5,866 6,893,203 43,159 0.63% -1 1,069 +1 3,905
2019-08-04 +4,362 6,887,337 38,410 0.56% 0 1,070 +3 3,904
2019-08-03 +4,136 6,882,975 32,222 0.47% -3 1,070 0 3,901
2019-08-02 +4,006 6,878,839 29,928 0.44% 0 1,073 +1 3,901
2019-08-01 +4,547 6,874,833 22,380 0.33% 0 1,073 +2 3,900
2019-07-31 +5,287 6,870,286 22,181 0.32% +1 1,073 -1 3,898
2019-07-30 +5,228 6,864,999 24,385 0.36% -1 1,072 +3 3,899
2019-07-29 +5,775 6,859,771 24,690 0.36% +2 1,073 +3 3,896
2019-07-28 +4,669 6,853,996 27,348 0.4% 0 1,071 0 3,893
2019-07-27 +5,561 6,849,327 30,347 0.44% +1 1,071 +2 3,893
2019-07-26 +6,305 6,843,766 28,425 0.42% 0 1,070 +1 3,891
Daily Average (last 28 days) +3,514 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +1,282,610 0 0
Last 24 days +84,341 6,953,282 -39 1,072 +49 3,952
Last 6 months +600,628 6,436,995 +4 1,029 +309 3,692
Last 12 months +1,433,530 5,604,093 +116 917 +662 3,339

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