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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-20 22:47 5 лет назад +11 22,936 310 1.35% 0 4,284 +1 7,089
2019-08-20 +10 22,925 304 1.33% +1 4,284 0 7,088
2019-08-18 +6 22,915 312 1.36% 0 4,283 +1 7,088
2019-08-17 +7 22,909 300 1.31% -1 4,283 0 7,087
2019-08-16 +7 22,902 289 1.26% +1 4,284 +2 7,087
2019-08-15 +6 22,895 321 1.4% -1 4,283 0 7,085
2019-08-14 0 22,889 320 1.4% +1 4,284 0 7,085
2019-08-13 +26 22,889 319 1.39% +1 4,283 0 7,085
2019-08-12 +24 22,863 317 1.39% 0 4,282 0 7,085
2019-08-11 +6 22,839 335 1.47% 0 4,282 +1 7,085
2019-08-10 +40 22,833 353 1.55% -2 4,282 +4 7,084
2019-08-06 +2 22,793 336 1.47% 0 4,284 0 7,080
2019-08-06 +12 22,791 335 1.47% 0 4,284 0 7,080
2019-08-05 +5 22,779 334 1.47% +4 4,284 +1 7,080
2019-08-02 +5 22,774 344 1.51% +1 4,280 0 7,079
2019-07-31 +14 22,769 366 1.61% +8 4,279 +2 7,079
2019-07-30 +2 22,755 362 1.59% -2 4,271 0 7,077
2019-07-29 +9 22,753 373 1.64% -1 4,273 +1 7,077
2019-07-28 +19 22,744 361 1.59% +1 4,274 0 7,076
2019-07-27 +44 22,725 357 1.57% +1 4,273 0 7,076
2019-07-27 +8 22,681 377 1.66% +3 4,272 +2 7,076
2019-07-25 +11 22,673 363 1.6% -1 4,269 0 7,074
2019-07-24 0 22,662 348 1.54% +2 4,270 +2 7,074
2019-07-23 +9 22,662 347 1.53% -1 4,268 0 7,072
2019-07-23 +9 22,653 343 1.51% -1 4,269 +2 7,072
2019-07-21 +8 22,644 314 1.39% +1 4,270 +2 7,070
2019-07-20 +21 22,636 284 1.25% +1 4,269 0 7,068
2019-07-20 +30 22,615 247 1.09% +2 4,268 +2 7,068
2019-07-18 +7 22,585 269 1.19% +4 4,266 +1 7,066
2019-07-17 +4 22,578 267 1.18% -1 4,262 0 7,065
2019-07-16 +3 22,574 272 1.2% 0 4,263 +2 7,065
Daily Average (last 28 days) +10 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +3,650 0 0
Last 7 days +62 22,863 +2 4,282 +3 7,085
Last 27 days +272 22,653 +15 4,269 +16 7,072
Last 5 months +793 22,132 +60 4,224 +110 6,978
Last 12 months +2,595 20,330 +89 4,195 +287 6,801

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