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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-25 13:56 5 лет назад +1,259 577,379 13,456 2.33% 0 375 +7 7,623
2019-08-21 +1,259 577,379 13,456 2.33% 0 375 +7 7,623
2019-08-20 +1,650 576,120 13,490 2.34% +2 375 +4 7,616
2019-08-19 +1,411 574,470 9,896 1.72% 0 373 +4 7,612
2019-08-18 +1,669 573,059 8,350 1.46% 0 373 +3 7,608
2019-08-17 +916 571,390 9,207 1.61% +1 373 +5 7,605
2019-08-16 +808 570,474 13,952 2.45% 0 372 +5 7,600
2019-08-15 +643 569,666 12,557 2.2% 0 372 +3 7,595
2019-08-14 +690 569,023 13,315 2.34% 0 372 +6 7,592
2019-08-13 +838 568,333 12,690 2.23% 0 372 +4 7,586
2019-08-12 +743 567,495 10,844 1.91% 0 372 +3 7,582
2019-08-11 +775 566,752 8,347 1.47% 0 372 +6 7,579
2019-08-10 +46 565,977 11,721 2.07% 0 372 +1 7,573
2019-08-10 +2,616 565,931 10,792 1.91% -1 372 +13 7,572
2019-08-07 +578 563,315 12,373 2.2% 0 373 +4 7,559
2019-08-06 +720 562,737 10,047 1.79% 0 373 +2 7,555
2019-08-05 +765 562,017 8,119 1.44% 0 373 +4 7,553
2019-08-04 +668 561,252 6,981 1.24% 0 373 +3 7,549
2019-08-03 +686 560,584 6,111 1.09% 0 373 +3 7,546
2019-08-02 +603 559,898 7,468 1.33% 0 373 +2 7,543
2019-08-01 +733 559,295 8,748 1.56% 0 373 +6 7,541
2019-07-31 +666 558,562 9,642 1.73% 0 373 +6 7,535
2019-07-30 +520 557,896 9,305 1.67% 0 373 +5 7,529
2019-07-29 +503 557,376 10,235 1.84% 0 373 +5 7,524
2019-07-28 +547 556,873 9,628 1.73% 0 373 +4 7,519
2019-07-27 +629 556,326 12,075 2.17% 0 373 +4 7,515
2019-07-26 +581 555,697 11,191 2.01% 0 373 +5 7,511
2019-07-25 +724 555,116 8,799 1.59% 0 373 +4 7,506
2019-07-24 +505 554,392 7,693 1.39% 0 373 +6 7,502
2019-07-23 +502 553,887 10,414 1.88% 0 373 +6 7,496
2019-07-22 +648 553,385 9,671 1.75% +1 373 +3 7,490
2019-07-21 +626 552,737 8,173 1.48% 0 372 +4 7,487
Daily Average (last 28 days) +732 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +267,180 0 0
Last 7 days +4,320 573,059 +2 373 +15 7,608
Last 28 days +20,506 556,873 +2 373 +104 7,519
Last 6 months +88,782 488,597 +68 307 +876 6,747
Last 12 months +134,663 442,716 +92 283 +1,834 5,789

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