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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-28 22:06 5 years ago +4,467 1,083,426 36,485 3.37% +4 2,690 +9 1,456
2019-08-21 +562 1,078,959 35,402 3.28% 0 2,686 0 1,447
2019-08-20 +651 1,078,397 36,670 3.4% -1 2,686 +1 1,447
2019-08-19 +1,762 1,077,746 38,122 3.54% -1 2,687 +2 1,446
2019-08-18 +3,284 1,075,984 42,214 3.92% +2 2,688 0 1,444
2019-08-17 +1,108 1,072,700 42,995 4.01% +1 2,686 +1 1,444
2019-08-16 +1,155 1,071,592 45,666 4.26% +4 2,685 +3 1,443
2019-08-15 +1,030 1,070,437 41,374 3.87% 0 2,681 +1 1,440
2019-08-14 +1,061 1,069,407 40,034 3.74% +5 2,681 +2 1,439
2019-08-13 +1,225 1,068,346 37,802 3.54% +5 2,676 0 1,437
2019-08-12 +957 1,067,121 39,159 3.67% +2 2,671 +2 1,437
2019-08-11 +1,005 1,066,164 37,977 3.56% +5 2,669 0 1,435
2019-08-10 +20 1,065,159 35,691 3.35% +1 2,664 0 1,435
2019-08-10 +2,071 1,065,139 35,676 3.35% +3 2,663 +4 1,435
2019-08-07 +697 1,063,068 33,774 3.18% 0 2,660 +5 1,431
2019-08-06 +2,121 1,062,371 26,096 2.46% +4 2,660 +3 1,426
2019-08-05 +2,275 1,060,250 28,010 2.64% 0 2,656 0 1,423
2019-08-04 +693 1,057,975 28,690 2.71% +1 2,656 +2 1,423
2019-08-03 +976 1,057,282 28,137 2.66% -2 2,655 +1 1,421
2019-08-02 +542 1,056,306 32,684 3.09% 0 2,657 +2 1,420
2019-08-01 +542 1,055,764 34,239 3.24% +2 2,657 +3 1,418
2019-07-31 +732 1,055,222 42,148 3.99% +1 2,655 +1 1,415
2019-07-30 +646 1,054,490 40,485 3.84% -2 2,654 0 1,414
2019-07-29 +720 1,053,844 42,235 4.01% +1 2,656 +3 1,414
2019-07-28 +1,173 1,053,124 37,535 3.56% +5 2,655 +3 1,411
2019-07-27 +1,199 1,051,951 34,884 3.32% +1 2,650 +1 1,408
2019-07-26 +869 1,050,752 37,497 3.57% +1 2,649 +2 1,407
2019-07-25 +693 1,049,883 36,081 3.44% +2 2,648 +1 1,405
2019-07-24 +1,060 1,049,190 37,903 3.61% +1 2,646 0 1,404
Daily Average (last 28 days) +1,007 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +367,555 0 0
Last 7 days +4,467 1,078,959 +4 2,686 +9 1,447
Last 28 days +28,204 1,055,222 +35 2,655 +41 1,415
Last 6 months +207,782 875,644 +249 2,441 +244 1,212
Last 12 months +600,781 482,645 +531 2,159 +406 1,050

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