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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-10-08 19:32 5 years ago -332 225,268 726 0.32% +7 743 +70 2,035
2019-09-21 0 225,600 1,428 0.63% 0 736 +2 1,965
2019-09-20 -368 225,600 2,062 0.91% -1 736 +41 1,963
2019-09-10 -16 225,968 2,071 0.92% 0 737 +1 1,922
2019-09-09 -163 225,984 2,228 0.99% 0 737 +23 1,921
2019-09-04 -34 226,147 1,055 0.47% 0 737 +2 1,898
2019-09-03 -36 226,181 813 0.36% -1 737 +6 1,896
2019-09-02 -23 226,217 741 0.33% 0 738 +1 1,890
2019-09-01 -19 226,240 744 0.33% +1 738 +9 1,889
2019-08-30 -10 226,259 1,090 0.48% 0 737 +4 1,880
2019-08-29 -79 226,269 1,178 0.52% 0 737 +6 1,876
2019-08-28 -25 226,348 890 0.39% 0 737 +2 1,870
2019-08-27 -11 226,373 921 0.41% 0 737 +3 1,868
2019-08-27 -67 226,384 1,114 0.49% 0 737 +5 1,865
2019-08-25 -104 226,451 907 0.4% -1 737 +17 1,860
2019-08-21 -56 226,555 721 0.32% 0 738 +5 1,843
2019-08-20 +2 226,611 1,405 0.62% -1 738 +4 1,838
2019-08-19 -22 226,609 1,488 0.66% +1 739 +4 1,834
2019-08-18 -46 226,631 883 0.39% 0 738 +4 1,830
2019-08-17 -22 226,677 795 0.35% 0 738 +4 1,826
2019-08-16 -22 226,699 1,343 0.59% 0 738 +5 1,822
2019-08-15 +32 226,721 1,758 0.78% +1 738 +2 1,817
2019-08-14 -63 226,689 2,401 1.06% 0 737 +2 1,815
2019-08-13 -36 226,752 3,092 1.36% 0 737 +5 1,813
2019-08-12 -101 226,788 2,267 1% 0 737 +3 1,808
2019-08-11 -95 226,889 1,112 0.49% -1 737 +5 1,805
2019-08-10 -11 226,984 1,446 0.64% +1 738 +5 1,800
2019-08-09 -4 226,995 1,192 0.53% 0 737 +3 1,795
2019-08-08 -4 226,999 1,327 0.58% 0 737 +3 1,792
Daily Average (last 28 days) -25 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) -9,125 0 0
Last 28 days -700 225,968 +6 737 +113 1,922
Last 6 months +2,991 222,277 +38 705 +566 1,469
Last 12 months +24,352 200,916 +507 236 +984 1,051

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