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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-10-08 18:52 5 лет назад +44,259 8,917,449 104,764 1.17% +3 741 +25 4,325
2019-09-21 +1,840 8,873,190 132,258 1.49% -1 738 +1 4,300
2019-09-20 +39,294 8,871,350 122,918 1.39% -1 739 +13 4,299
2019-09-10 +1,182 8,832,056 76,535 0.87% 0 740 0 4,286
2019-09-09 +15,930 8,830,874 76,186 0.86% -4 740 +8 4,286
2019-09-04 +1,231 8,814,944 76,188 0.86% 0 744 +1 4,278
2019-09-03 +3,904 8,813,713 92,082 1.04% +1 744 +3 4,277
2019-09-02 +963 8,809,809 86,259 0.98% -1 743 0 4,274
2019-09-01 +9,954 8,808,846 86,148 0.98% -1 744 0 4,274
2019-08-31 +20 8,798,892 88,797 1.01% +1 745 0 4,274
2019-08-30 +5,133 8,798,872 87,967 1% 0 744 +1 4,274
2019-08-29 -4,318 8,793,739 101,439 1.15% 0 744 +5 4,273
2019-08-28 -498 8,798,057 134,441 1.53% +2 744 0 4,268
2019-08-27 -1,783 8,798,555 133,949 1.52% +1 742 +2 4,268
2019-08-26 -7,876 8,800,338 133,804 1.52% 0 741 +6 4,266
2019-08-21 -1,506 8,808,214 108,231 1.23% -3 741 +2 4,260
2019-08-20 -961 8,809,720 112,580 1.28% +3 744 +3 4,258
2019-08-19 -3,382 8,810,681 118,812 1.35% -1 741 0 4,255
2019-08-18 -3,725 8,814,063 122,726 1.39% 0 742 0 4,255
2019-08-17 -4,102 8,817,788 125,127 1.42% -1 742 +2 4,255
2019-08-16 +346 8,821,890 136,283 1.54% -1 743 +1 4,253
2019-08-15 +5,226 8,821,544 144,160 1.63% +1 744 +2 4,252
2019-08-14 +3,739 8,816,318 150,781 1.71% +1 743 +2 4,250
2019-08-13 +2,647 8,812,579 138,792 1.57% 0 742 +1 4,248
2019-08-12 +3,554 8,809,932 130,600 1.48% 0 742 +3 4,247
2019-08-11 +4,312 8,806,378 144,660 1.64% 0 742 0 4,244
2019-08-10 +4,512 8,802,066 143,182 1.63% +1 742 0 4,244
2019-08-09 +2,687 8,797,554 150,792 1.71% -2 741 +2 4,244
2019-08-08 +4,179 8,794,867 131,359 1.49% +2 743 +1 4,242
2019-08-07 +2,192 8,790,688 143,649 1.63% 0 741 +1 4,241
2019-08-06 +2,653 8,788,496 138,357 1.57% 0 741 +2 4,240
Daily Average (last 28 days) +3,050 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +1,113,250 0 0
Last 28 days +85,393 8,832,056 +1 740 +39 4,286
Last 6 months +346,664 8,570,785 +9 732 +269 4,056
Last 12 months +863,827 8,053,622 +45 696 +645 3,680

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