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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-28 22:59 5 years ago +6,663 874,144 19,782 2.26% -12 1,357 +9 4,326
2019-08-21 +824 867,481 17,389 2% +28 1,369 +1 4,317
2019-08-20 +734 866,657 15,420 1.78% -1 1,341 +1 4,316
2019-08-19 +885 865,923 16,453 1.9% +1 1,342 +2 4,315
2019-08-18 +1,410 865,038 11,598 1.34% -1 1,341 +2 4,313
2019-08-17 +117 863,628 9,831 1.14% 0 1,342 +1 4,311
2019-08-16 +152 863,511 11,407 1.32% -1 1,342 +1 4,310
2019-08-15 +137 863,359 10,339 1.2% 0 1,343 +2 4,309
2019-08-14 +371 863,222 8,949 1.04% +2 1,343 +2 4,307
2019-08-13 +834 862,851 8,581 0.99% -2 1,341 +1 4,305
2019-08-12 +856 862,017 9,899 1.15% +1 1,343 +1 4,304
2019-08-11 +336 861,161 12,149 1.41% +1 1,342 +3 4,303
2019-08-10 +36 860,825 12,547 1.46% 0 1,341 0 4,300
2019-08-10 -39 860,789 12,522 1.45% 0 1,341 +3 4,300
2019-08-07 +247 860,828 14,169 1.65% -1 1,341 +2 4,297
2019-08-06 +285 860,581 18,843 2.19% +3 1,342 +1 4,295
2019-08-05 +867 860,296 18,171 2.11% 0 1,339 +1 4,294
2019-08-04 +8,320 859,429 17,659 2.05% +2 1,339 +1 4,293
2019-08-03 +1,917 851,109 15,856 1.86% -2 1,337 +1 4,292
2019-08-02 +1,594 849,192 15,390 1.81% +2 1,339 +1 4,291
2019-08-01 +1,884 847,598 15,626 1.84% -32 1,337 +1 4,290
2019-07-31 +650 845,714 15,260 1.8% 0 1,369 +1 4,289
2019-07-30 +714 845,064 16,536 1.96% 0 1,369 +1 4,288
2019-07-29 +666 844,350 14,787 1.75% +4 1,369 +1 4,287
2019-07-28 +598 843,684 14,100 1.67% -4 1,365 +1 4,286
2019-07-27 +564 843,086 9,282 1.1% 0 1,369 +1 4,285
2019-07-26 +335 842,522 9,678 1.15% +1 1,369 +1 4,284
2019-07-25 +293 842,187 9,100 1.08% -1 1,368 +1 4,283
2019-07-24 +466 841,894 12,393 1.47% +1 1,369 +1 4,282
2019-07-23 +726 841,428 12,280 1.46% +2 1,368 +2 4,281
2019-07-22 +855 840,702 14,520 1.73% +1 1,366 +1 4,279
Daily Average (last 28 days) +1,015 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +370,475 0 0
Last 7 days +6,663 867,481 -12 1,369 +9 4,317
Last 28 days +28,430 845,714 -12 1,369 +37 4,289
Last 6 months +224,291 649,853 +51 1,306 +207 4,119
Last 12 months +336,292 537,852 +164 1,193 +493 3,833

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