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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-09-21 08:13 5 years ago +26,674 6,172,809 136,556 2.21% +10 1,158 +18 2,722
2019-09-02 +4,919 6,146,135 116,416 1.89% +2 1,148 +9 2,704
2019-08-29 +1,814 6,141,216 110,845 1.8% 0 1,146 +4 2,695
2019-08-28 +11,349 6,139,402 96,918 1.58% +7 1,146 +9 2,691
2019-08-21 +1,282 6,128,053 110,538 1.8% +1 1,139 +2 2,682
2019-08-20 +988 6,126,771 113,186 1.85% 0 1,138 +1 2,680
2019-08-19 +930 6,125,783 104,495 1.71% +4 1,138 +3 2,679
2019-08-18 +1,649 6,124,853 102,742 1.68% +1 1,134 +1 2,676
2019-08-17 +395 6,123,204 96,326 1.57% +2 1,133 +2 2,675
2019-08-16 +1,328 6,122,809 97,442 1.59% -2 1,131 +1 2,673
2019-08-15 +1,698 6,121,481 105,483 1.72% 0 1,133 +1 2,672
2019-08-14 +1,483 6,119,783 112,455 1.84% +1 1,133 +1 2,671
2019-08-13 +984 6,118,300 112,633 1.84% 0 1,132 0 2,670
2019-08-12 +1,289 6,117,316 111,076 1.82% +4 1,132 +2 2,670
2019-08-11 +970 6,116,027 124,863 2.04% -2 1,128 0 2,668
2019-08-10 +87 6,115,057 127,889 2.09% 0 1,130 +1 2,668
2019-08-10 +2,531 6,114,970 128,055 2.09% -1 1,130 +5 2,667
2019-08-07 +963 6,112,439 153,358 2.51% 0 1,131 +1 2,662
2019-08-06 +882 6,111,476 148,315 2.43% +4 1,131 0 2,661
2019-08-05 -317 6,110,594 153,364 2.51% +6 1,127 +3 2,661
2019-08-04 +1,509 6,110,911 158,459 2.59% -1 1,121 +1 2,658
2019-08-03 +1,636 6,109,402 151,355 2.48% -1 1,122 0 2,657
2019-08-02 +1,390 6,107,766 150,992 2.47% 0 1,123 0 2,657
2019-08-01 +992 6,106,376 150,492 2.46% +1 1,123 0 2,657
2019-07-31 +699 6,105,384 145,085 2.38% +4 1,122 +1 2,657
2019-07-30 +1,686 6,104,685 134,567 2.2% +1 1,118 +1 2,656
2019-07-29 +3,054 6,102,999 125,361 2.05% -1 1,117 +2 2,655
2019-07-28 +2,815 6,099,945 124,106 2.03% +1 1,118 +1 2,653
2019-07-27 +743 6,097,130 131,470 2.16% 0 1,117 +1 2,652
2019-07-26 +666 6,096,387 140,673 2.31% -3 1,117 0 2,651
2019-07-25 +800 6,095,721 145,199 2.38% 0 1,120 +2 2,651
Daily Average (last 28 days) +1,392 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +508,080 0 0
Last 24 days +33,407 6,139,402 +12 1,146 +31 2,691
Last 6 months +521,365 5,651,444 +93 1,065 +206 2,516
Last 12 months +1,007,315 5,165,494 +199 959 +406 2,316

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