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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-21 10:39 5 years ago -56 74,046 1,625 2.19% +1 602 +2 286
2019-08-20 -32 74,102 1,613 2.18% -1 601 0 284
2019-08-19 +29,736 74,134 1,608 2.17% +166 602 +64 284
2019-03-18 -10 44,398 4,010 9.03% -1 436 0 220
2019-03-17 +27 44,408 3,997 9% +2 437 0 220
2019-03-16 +106 44,381 3,987 8.98% 0 435 -6 220
2019-03-16 +305 44,275 3,934 8.89% 0 435 -1 226
2019-03-15 +931 43,970 3,719 8.46% -4 435 +1 227
2019-03-12 +258 43,039 3,700 8.6% -1 439 +2 226
2019-03-11 +645 42,781 3,608 8.43% 0 440 +1 224
2019-03-10 +486 42,136 3,114 7.39% 0 440 0 223
2019-03-09 +1,318 41,650 2,870 6.89% -4 440 +1 223
2019-03-07 +578 40,332 2,122 5.26% +2 444 +1 222
2019-03-06 +450 39,754 1,852 4.66% +2 442 +3 221
2019-03-05 +289 39,304 1,445 3.68% 0 440 +3 218
2019-03-05 +281 39,015 1,471 3.77% -1 440 +4 215
2019-03-03 +125 38,734 2,326 6.01% +1 441 +3 211
2019-03-02 +206 38,609 2,588 6.7% +1 440 +2 208
2019-03-01 +344 38,403 2,721 7.09% +2 439 +3 206
2019-02-28 +306 38,059 2,400 6.31% -1 437 0 203
2019-02-27 +274 37,753 2,258 5.98% +2 438 0 203
2019-02-26 +159 37,479 2,242 5.98% +2 436 +4 203
2019-02-25 +1,134 37,320 1,837 4.92% -1 434 +2 199
2019-02-21 +324 36,186 1,167 3.23% +2 435 0 197
2019-02-20 +256 35,862 1,002 2.79% +1 433 +2 197
2019-02-19 +244 35,606 784 2.2% 0 432 +4 195
2019-02-18 +115 35,362 690 1.95% +1 432 +1 191
2019-02-17 +45 35,247 731 2.07% 0 431 +6 190
2019-02-16 +34 35,202 911 2.59% +2 431 0 184
Daily Average (last 28 days) 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) 0 0
Last 1 days -88 74,134 0 602 +2 284
Last 6 months +36,726 37,320 +168 434 +87 199
Last 12 months +50,137 23,909 +318 284 +122 164

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Engagement Rate (likes / followedBy)

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