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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-21 06:37 5 лет назад +190 148,647 664 0.45% +1 402 +1 3,581
2019-08-20 +141 148,457 647 0.44% -2 401 0 3,580
2019-08-19 +183 148,316 634 0.43% +2 403 0 3,580
2019-08-18 +161 148,133 631 0.43% +1 401 0 3,580
2019-08-17 +252 147,972 605 0.41% -1 400 +5 3,580
2019-08-16 +315 147,720 636 0.43% -1 401 +4 3,575
2019-08-15 +246 147,405 699 0.47% -1 402 +3 3,571
2019-08-14 +165 147,159 736 0.5% +1 403 +1 3,568
2019-08-13 +178 146,994 773 0.53% 0 402 +5 3,567
2019-08-12 +150 146,816 1,056 0.72% 0 402 0 3,562
2019-08-11 +170 146,666 1,063 0.72% 0 402 +8 3,562
2019-08-10 +619 146,496 1,198 0.82% 0 402 +10 3,554
2019-08-07 +152 145,877 1,093 0.75% 0 402 +1 3,544
2019-08-06 +278 145,725 1,542 1.06% 0 402 +6 3,543
2019-08-05 +339 145,447 1,612 1.11% 0 402 +5 3,537
2019-08-04 +256 145,108 1,237 0.85% -2 402 0 3,532
2019-08-03 +154 144,852 987 0.68% 0 404 0 3,532
2019-08-02 +178 144,698 1,033 0.71% 0 404 +8 3,532
2019-08-01 +216 144,520 819 0.57% +1 404 0 3,524
2019-07-31 +243 144,304 686 0.48% +1 403 +1 3,524
2019-07-30 +246 144,061 846 0.59% +1 402 +5 3,523
2019-07-29 +196 143,815 1,240 0.86% 0 401 +2 3,518
2019-07-28 +233 143,619 1,269 0.88% +1 401 +6 3,516
2019-07-27 +193 143,386 1,328 0.93% -1 400 +1 3,510
2019-07-26 +267 143,193 1,398 0.98% -1 401 +1 3,509
2019-07-25 +226 142,926 1,398 0.98% 0 402 +1 3,508
2019-07-24 +260 142,700 2,084 1.46% 0 402 +6 3,507
2019-07-23 +269 142,440 1,738 1.22% 0 402 0 3,501
2019-07-22 +296 142,171 1,137 0.8% -1 402 +12 3,501
Daily Average (last 28 days) +212 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +77,380 0 0
Last 7 days +1,488 147,159 -1 403 +13 3,568
Last 28 days +5,947 142,700 0 402 +74 3,507
Last 6 months +46,392 102,255 -2,075 2,477 +966 2,615
Last 12 months +102,156 46,491 -590 992 +2,043 1,538

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