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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-21 07:44 5 years ago -38 109,738 278 0.25% +6 207 +2 350
2019-08-20 -11 109,776 287 0.26% +14 201 +279 348
2019-08-19 -15 109,787 630 0.57% +12 187 +55 69
2019-08-18 -16 109,802 1,134 1.03% +16 175 -96 14
2019-08-17 -41 109,818 581 0.53% +27 159 -73 110
2019-08-16 -4 109,859 565 0.51% +41 132 +120 183
2019-08-15 -23 109,863 687 0.63% +46 91 +61 63
2019-08-14 -41 109,886 127 0.12% -88 45 -33 2
2019-08-13 -30 109,927 733 0.67% +5 133 0 35
2019-08-12 -18 109,957 819 0.74% +5 128 0 35
2019-08-11 -14 109,975 756 0.69% +2 123 0 35
2019-08-10 -78 109,989 750 0.68% -39 121 -302 35
2019-08-07 +116 110,067 493 0.45% -1 160 +152 337
2019-08-06 +115 109,951 773 0.7% +2 161 0 185
2019-08-05 +154 109,836 771 0.7% +2 159 0 185
2019-08-04 +178 109,682 767 0.7% +3 157 0 185
2019-08-03 +149 109,504 776 0.71% -2 154 0 185
2019-08-02 +126 109,355 760 0.69% +2 156 +1 185
2019-08-01 +64 109,229 722 0.66% -2 154 +1 184
2019-07-31 +22 109,165 719 0.66% +11 156 -134 183
2019-07-30 -8 109,143 586 0.54% +33 145 +270 317
2019-07-29 +23 109,151 758 0.69% -21 112 -278 47
2019-07-28 -34 109,128 418 0.38% 0 133 +3 325
2019-07-27 +4 109,162 480 0.44% +3 133 0 322
2019-07-26 +29 109,158 474 0.43% +109 130 0 322
2019-07-25 -50 109,129 461 0.42% -24 21 0 322
2019-07-24 -29 109,179 434 0.4% +12 45 +1 322
2019-07-23 -43 109,208 349 0.32% +2 33 +2 321
2019-07-22 +47 109,251 354 0.32% -6 31 +189 319
Daily Average (last 28 days) +20 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +7,300 0 0
Last 7 days -148 109,886 +162 45 +348 2
Last 28 days +559 109,179 +162 45 +28 322
Last 6 months +15,913 93,825 +122 85 +269 81
Last 9 months +61,714 48,024 +170 37 +311 39

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Followed By Growth

Engagement Rate (likes / followedBy)

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