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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-21 11:01 5 years ago +27 71,471 213 0.3% +7 2,705 0 8,198
2019-08-20 +17 71,444 212 0.3% +12 2,698 0 8,198
2019-08-19 +15 71,427 210 0.29% +8 2,686 0 8,198
2019-08-18 +21 71,412 206 0.29% +9 2,678 0 8,198
2019-08-17 +33 71,391 189 0.26% -302 2,669 0 8,198
2019-08-16 +28 71,358 203 0.28% -759 2,971 +12 8,198
2019-08-15 +6 71,330 137 0.19% +7 3,730 +7 8,186
2019-08-14 +7 71,324 169 0.24% +5 3,723 +7 8,179
2019-08-13 +16 71,317 115 0.16% -20 3,718 +9 8,172
2019-08-12 +23 71,301 215 0.3% -521 3,738 +8 8,163
2019-08-11 +31 71,278 148 0.21% -351 4,259 +7 8,155
2019-08-10 +59 71,247 153 0.21% -1,875 4,610 +28 8,148
2019-08-07 +19 71,188 208 0.29% -622 6,485 +4 8,120
2019-08-06 +5 71,169 194 0.27% -207 7,107 +9 8,116
2019-08-05 +19 71,164 126 0.18% +13 7,314 +6 8,107
2019-08-04 +11 71,145 144 0.2% -210 7,301 +9 8,101
2019-08-03 +7 71,134 120 0.17% +4 7,511 +19 8,092
2019-08-02 +1 71,127 96 0.13% +14 7,507 +12 8,073
2019-08-01 -1 71,126 158 0.22% +8 7,493 +13 8,061
2019-07-31 +15 71,127 202 0.28% +10 7,485 +4 8,048
2019-07-30 +19 71,112 265 0.37% +15 7,475 +5 8,044
2019-07-29 +11 71,093 489 0.69% +18 7,460 +6 8,039
2019-07-28 +15 71,082 234 0.33% +8 7,442 +4 8,033
2019-07-27 +25 71,067 195 0.27% +45 7,434 +1 8,029
2019-07-26 +13 71,042 151 0.21% +13 7,389 +6 8,028
2019-07-25 +21 71,029 254 0.36% +19 7,376 +7 8,022
2019-07-24 +36 71,008 150 0.21% +58 7,357 +5 8,015
2019-07-23 +18 70,972 132 0.19% +23 7,299 +5 8,010
2019-07-22 +74 70,954 150 0.21% -89 7,276 +10 8,005
2019-07-21 +101 70,880 179 0.25% +243 7,365 +10 7,995
2019-07-20 +78 70,779 119 0.17% +233 7,122 +12 7,985
Daily Average (last 28 days) +17 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +6,205 0 0
Last 7 days +147 71,324 -1,018 3,723 +19 8,179
Last 28 days +463 71,008 -4,652 7,357 +183 8,015
Last 6 months +14,499 56,972 -4,079 6,784 +1,908 6,290
Last 6 months +15,966 55,505 -4,446 7,151 +2,020 6,178

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Engagement Rate (likes / followedBy)

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Followed By Growth — monthly

Average Likes Per Post — monthly

Average Likes ER — monthly

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