Changes day by day

Just a tip: you can scroll (swipe) any table horizontally. Usually there are many columns and some of them could be hidden by default on mobile. So just try to swipe left inside the table.
Date Views Subscribers Videos
2020-02-05 03:33 4 years ago +506,242 0 0 0 0 351
2020-02-04 +506,242 381,899,142 0 3,160,000 0 351
2020-02-03 +337,390 381,392,900 0 3,160,000 +2 351
2020-02-02 +438,553 381,055,510 0 3,160,000 -1 349
2020-02-01 +292,028 380,616,957 0 3,160,000 +1 350
2020-01-31 +287,787 380,324,929 0 3,160,000 0 349
Daily Average (last 28 days) +323,280 +1,111 0
Last 27 days +8,728,547 373,170,595 +30,000 3,130,000 +9 342

Views Growth

Subscribers Growth

Changes day by day

Just a tip: you can scroll (swipe) any table horizontally. Usually there are many columns and some of them could be hidden by default on mobile. So just try to swipe left inside the table.
Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Media
2019-08-28 23:11 5 years ago +2,177 798,298 92,199 11.55% +7 1,154
2019-08-21 +187 796,121 112,582 14.14% +1 1,147
2019-08-20 +512 795,934 110,838 13.93% 0 1,146
2019-08-19 +473 795,422 107,441 13.51% +1 1,146
2019-08-18 +493 794,949 108,312 13.63% +1 1,145
Daily Average (last 28 days) +335 0
Last 28 days +9,388 788,910 +19 1,135

Followed By Growth

Average Likes Per Post

Changes day by day

Just a tip: you can scroll (swipe) any table horizontally. Usually there are many columns and some of them could be hidden by default on mobile. So just try to swipe left inside the table.
Date Followers Followings Tweets
2020-02-21 16:28 4 years ago +80 96,007 0 392 +5 12,525
2020-02-20 +114 95,927 -1 392 +3 12,520
2020-02-19 +46 95,813 0 393 +1 12,517
2020-02-18 +68 95,767 0 393 +6 12,516
2020-02-17 +48 95,699 -9 393 +6 12,510
Daily Average (last 28 days) +81 0 +4
Last 27 days +2,197 93,730 0 0 +96 12,424

Followers Growth

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