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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-09-21 08:14 5 years ago -2,702 6,062,105 106,778 1.76% +11 522 +29 2,843
2019-09-02 -513 6,064,807 173,161 2.86% +14 511 +5 2,814
2019-08-29 +1,432 6,065,320 162,236 2.67% +1 497 +1 2,809
2019-08-28 -6,994 6,063,888 160,060 2.64% +5 496 +8 2,808
2019-08-21 -911 6,070,882 149,418 2.46% 0 491 +1 2,800
2019-08-20 -376 6,071,793 156,188 2.57% +1 491 +3 2,799
2019-08-19 -1,113 6,072,169 166,321 2.74% +1 490 +2 2,796
2019-08-18 -175 6,073,282 171,526 2.82% 0 489 +1 2,794
2019-08-17 -192 6,073,457 167,532 2.76% 0 489 +1 2,793
2019-08-16 +123 6,073,649 176,001 2.9% -1 489 +1 2,792
2019-08-15 -215 6,073,526 173,780 2.86% -2 490 +1 2,791
2019-08-14 -301 6,073,741 182,285 3% 0 492 +3 2,790
2019-08-13 -706 6,074,042 173,794 2.86% 0 492 +2 2,787
2019-08-12 -416 6,074,748 179,209 2.95% 0 492 +1 2,785
2019-08-11 +623 6,075,164 172,174 2.83% 0 492 +1 2,784
2019-08-10 +33 6,074,541 193,166 3.18% 0 492 0 2,783
2019-08-10 +4,582 6,074,508 193,012 3.18% +1 492 +7 2,783
2019-08-07 +2,079 6,069,926 138,466 2.28% 0 491 +3 2,776
2019-08-06 +3,288 6,067,847 140,200 2.31% +1 491 +2 2,773
2019-08-05 +2,555 6,064,559 140,880 2.32% +3 490 +2 2,771
2019-08-04 +3,159 6,062,004 128,084 2.11% 0 487 +2 2,769
2019-08-03 +2,209 6,058,845 125,575 2.07% +3 487 +2 2,767
2019-08-02 +4,185 6,056,636 133,373 2.2% +3 484 +1 2,765
2019-08-01 +1,546 6,052,451 134,170 2.22% 0 481 +2 2,764
2019-07-31 +2,872 6,050,905 129,163 2.13% -1 481 +2 2,762
2019-07-30 +2,831 6,048,033 118,173 1.95% +2 482 +2 2,760
2019-07-29 +3,023 6,045,202 123,111 2.04% -1 480 +1 2,758
2019-07-28 +2,949 6,042,179 118,201 1.96% +1 481 +1 2,757
2019-07-27 +1,967 6,039,230 110,702 1.83% 0 480 +2 2,756
Daily Average (last 28 days) -74 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) -27,010 0 0
Last 24 days -1,783 6,063,888 +26 496 +35 2,808
Last 6 months +467,865 5,594,240 +105 417 +276 2,567
Last 12 months +840,768 5,221,337 +92 430 +521 2,322

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