
Changes day by day

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Date Followers Views
2019-08-22 03:00 5 years ago +97 968,781 +8,313 21,061,231
2019-08-21 +306 968,684 +10,850 21,052,918
2019-08-20 +87 968,378 +10,144 21,042,068
2019-08-19 +69 968,291 +2,130 21,031,924
2019-08-18 +157 968,222 +4,168 21,029,794
2019-08-17 +3,602 968,065 +79,285 21,025,626
2019-08-16 +1,357 964,463 +32,241 20,946,341
Daily Average (last 28 days) +677 +16,141
Last 28 days +18,961 949,820 +451,945 20,609,286

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