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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-01-04 02:41 5 лет назад -43 10,176 41 0.4% -7 7,494 +66 1,260
2018-09-04 -50 10,219 44 0.43% +4 7,501 +20 1,194
2018-08-13 -17 10,269 51 0.5% -3 7,497 +13 1,174
2018-07-23 -17 10,286 56 0.54% +5 7,500 +13 1,161
2018-06-29 -14 10,303 64 0.62% -1 7,495 +20 1,148
2018-06-07 -24 10,317 46 0.45% +1 7,496 +41 1,128
2018-05-12 -77 10,341 61 0.59% -4 7,495 +73 1,087
2018-04-04 -68 10,418 68 0.65% +2 7,499 +32 1,014
2018-03-10 +19 10,486 37 0.35% +13 7,497 +133 982
2017-11-29 -82 10,467 50 0.48% -22 7,484 +39 849
2017-08-19 -3 10,549 37 0.35% +1 7,506 +2 810
2017-08-18 +2 10,552 46 0.44% +1 7,505 0 808
2017-08-17 +3 10,550 46 0.44% 0 7,504 0 808
2017-08-16 -6 10,547 46 0.44% +1 7,504 +1 808
2017-08-15 -6 10,553 50 0.47% 0 7,503 +1 807
2017-08-14 0 10,559 49 0.46% +1 7,503 +2 806
2017-08-13 +2 10,559 48 0.45% +5 7,502 +2 804
2017-08-12 +3 10,557 49 0.46% +2 7,497 0 802
2017-08-11 +7 10,554 49 0.46% +5 7,495 +1 802
2017-08-10 -3 10,547 48 0.46% -3 7,490 +1 801
2017-08-09 -1 10,550 45 0.43% 0 7,493 +2 800
2017-08-08 0 10,551 39 0.37% -1 7,493 0 798
2017-08-07 +1 10,551 39 0.37% +2 7,494 0 798
2017-08-06 +1 10,550 39 0.37% +1 7,492 0 798
2017-08-05 -1 10,549 38 0.36% 0 7,491 0 798
2017-08-04 -1 10,550 37 0.35% 0 7,491 +1 798
2017-08-03 -2 10,551 36 0.34% -3 7,491 0 797
2017-08-02 -2 10,553 35 0.33% +1 7,494 0 797
2017-08-01 -1 10,555 35 0.33% -1 7,493 0 797
Daily Average (last 28 days) 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) 0 0
Last 5 months -110 10,286 -6 7,500 +99 1,161
Last 10 months -310 10,486 -3 7,497 +278 982

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Engagement Rate (likes / followedBy)

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