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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-07-07 02:52 5 лет назад +1 15,866 455 2.87% +1 994 0 5,485
2019-07-06 -13 15,865 404 2.55% -1 993 0 5,485
2019-07-05 -6 15,878 394 2.48% -1 994 +4 5,485
2019-07-01 -5 15,884 428 2.69% -1 995 +1 5,481
2019-06-30 -13 15,889 414 2.61% 0 996 +1 5,480
2019-06-29 -5 15,902 393 2.47% 0 996 0 5,479
2019-06-28 -7 15,907 416 2.62% 0 996 +1 5,479
2019-06-27 -5 15,914 424 2.66% +1 996 0 5,478
2019-06-26 -1 15,919 419 2.63% -1 995 0 5,478
2019-06-25 -10 15,920 413 2.59% +1 996 +1 5,478
2019-06-23 -4 15,930 458 2.88% 0 995 0 5,477
2019-06-23 -326 15,934 478 3% +11 995 +35 5,477
2019-05-19 +3 16,260 3,009 18.51% +2 984 +2 5,442
2019-05-18 +10 16,257 2,624 16.14% +1 982 +1 5,440
2019-05-17 +12 16,247 1,850 11.39% 0 981 +3 5,439
2019-05-16 -28 16,235 2,911 17.93% 0 981 +11 5,436
2019-05-07 +250 16,263 298 1.83% +4 981 +38 5,425
2019-04-15 +30 16,013 4,433 27.68% +1 977 +1 5,387
2019-04-13 +42 15,983 3,163 19.79% +3 976 +1 5,386
2019-04-13 +20 15,941 2,000 12.55% 0 973 0 5,385
2019-04-12 +2 15,921 1,138 7.15% -1 973 +1 5,385
2019-04-11 +3 15,919 555 3.49% +2 974 0 5,384
2019-04-10 +710 15,916 312 1.96% +29 972 +84 5,384
2019-02-23 -257 15,206 2,127 13.99% +18 943 +62 5,300
2019-01-07 +2 15,463 193 1.25% +1 925 +1 5,238
2019-01-06 -8 15,461 175 1.13% 0 924 0 5,237
2019-01-06 -11 15,469 170 1.1% 0 924 +1 5,237
2019-01-05 -7 15,480 177 1.14% -1 924 +1 5,236
2019-01-04 -11 15,487 174 1.12% 0 925 +1 5,235
2019-01-02 -4 15,498 172 1.11% +1 925 +1 5,234
2019-01-02 -9 15,502 228 1.47% +1 924 +3 5,233
Daily Average (last 28 days) -5 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) -1,825 0 0
Last 7 days -23 15,889 -2 996 +5 5,480
Last 14 days -68 15,934 -1 995 +8 5,477
Last 6 months +403 15,463 +69 925 +247 5,238
Last 6 months +329 15,537 +72 922 +258 5,227

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