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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-20 21:50 5 years ago +13 24,108 308 1.28% 0 1,666 0 2,110
2019-08-19 -2 24,095 304 1.26% +4 1,666 +2 2,110
2019-08-18 +21 24,097 277 1.15% 0 1,662 0 2,108
2019-08-17 +8 24,076 274 1.14% -1 1,662 0 2,108
2019-08-16 0 24,068 282 1.17% -1 1,663 +2 2,108
2019-08-15 +9 24,068 281 1.17% +2 1,664 +1 2,106
2019-08-14 +8 24,059 254 1.06% +2 1,662 +2 2,105
2019-08-13 +2 24,051 256 1.06% +2 1,660 0 2,103
2019-08-12 +3 24,049 196 0.82% +3 1,658 +2 2,103
2019-08-11 +15 24,046 221 0.92% +5 1,655 +1 2,101
2019-08-10 +24 24,031 260 1.08% +3 1,650 +7 2,100
2019-08-06 +8 24,007 391 1.63% +2 1,647 +2 2,093
2019-08-05 -3 23,999 359 1.5% +1 1,645 +1 2,091
2019-08-04 +9 24,002 338 1.41% +2 1,644 +2 2,090
2019-08-04 +2 23,993 417 1.74% +2 1,642 +1 2,088
2019-08-03 +12 23,991 519 2.16% +3 1,640 +1 2,087
2019-08-02 +9 23,979 479 2% +1 1,637 +2 2,086
2019-07-31 +2 23,970 452 1.89% +1 1,636 -1 2,084
2019-07-30 +7 23,968 455 1.9% +1 1,635 +1 2,085
2019-07-29 +3 23,961 430 1.79% 0 1,634 +2 2,084
2019-07-28 +8 23,958 442 1.84% 0 1,634 +1 2,082
2019-07-27 -1 23,950 425 1.77% +3 1,634 +1 2,081
2019-07-26 +1 23,951 428 1.79% -1 1,631 +1 2,080
2019-07-25 +13 23,950 403 1.68% +3 1,632 0 2,079
2019-07-24 +11 23,937 295 1.23% +2 1,629 +1 2,079
2019-07-23 +92 23,926 295 1.23% 0 1,627 0 2,078
2019-07-22 +10 23,834 207 0.87% 0 1,627 +1 2,078
2019-07-21 -1 23,824 246 1.03% +1 1,627 +1 2,077
2019-07-20 +10 23,825 280 1.18% 0 1,626 +2 2,076
2019-07-19 +8 23,815 257 1.08% 0 1,626 +1 2,074
2019-07-18 +7 23,807 251 1.05% +5 1,626 +1 2,073
Daily Average (last 28 days) +9 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +3,285 0 0
Last 7 days +46 24,049 +8 1,658 +7 2,103
Last 28 days +261 23,834 +39 1,627 +32 2,078
Last 5 months +983 23,112 +109 1,557 +172 1,938
Last 12 months +2,729 21,366 +261 1,405 +383 1,727

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