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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-20 21:53 5 лет назад +26 23,981 569 2.37% 0 1,968 +1 3,963
2019-08-19 +29 23,955 527 2.2% +2 1,968 0 3,962
2019-08-18 -20 23,926 398 1.66% -34 1,966 +3 3,962
2019-08-17 +15 23,946 319 1.33% 0 2,000 +3 3,959
2019-08-16 +21 23,931 336 1.4% 0 2,000 +1 3,956
2019-08-15 +26 23,910 352 1.47% +1 2,000 +1 3,955
2019-08-14 +18 23,884 316 1.32% +2 1,999 +2 3,954
2019-08-13 +8 23,866 365 1.53% 0 1,997 +1 3,952
2019-08-12 +16 23,858 371 1.56% 0 1,997 0 3,951
2019-08-11 +2 23,842 448 1.88% +4 1,997 +4 3,951
2019-08-10 +93 23,840 359 1.51% +11 1,993 +5 3,947
2019-08-06 +20 23,747 330 1.39% +1 1,982 +1 3,942
2019-08-05 +31 23,727 328 1.38% +3 1,981 0 3,941
2019-08-04 +3 23,696 285 1.2% +1 1,978 +1 3,941
2019-08-04 +31 23,693 288 1.22% +7 1,977 +3 3,940
2019-08-03 +43 23,662 309 1.31% 0 1,970 +2 3,937
2019-08-02 +26 23,619 275 1.16% 0 1,970 +1 3,935
2019-07-31 +29 23,593 251 1.06% +2 1,970 +1 3,934
2019-07-30 +40 23,564 234 0.99% +2 1,968 +1 3,933
2019-07-29 +19 23,524 263 1.12% 0 1,966 +2 3,932
2019-07-28 +23 23,505 249 1.06% +1 1,966 +3 3,930
2019-07-27 +17 23,482 285 1.21% +2 1,965 +3 3,927
2019-07-26 +7 23,465 266 1.13% +6 1,963 +4 3,924
2019-07-25 +18 23,458 233 0.99% +1 1,957 +1 3,920
2019-07-24 +33 23,440 248 1.06% 0 1,956 +2 3,919
2019-07-23 +24 23,407 229 0.98% 0 1,956 0 3,917
2019-07-22 +25 23,383 223 0.95% +2 1,956 +3 3,917
2019-07-21 0 23,358 233 1% +1 1,954 +1 3,914
2019-07-20 +20 23,358 262 1.12% +2 1,953 +4 3,913
2019-07-19 +31 23,338 275 1.18% +18 1,951 +3 3,909
2019-07-18 +24 23,307 312 1.34% 0 1,933 +3 3,906
Daily Average (last 28 days) +21 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +7,665 0 0
Last 7 days +97 23,858 -29 1,997 +11 3,951
Last 27 days +572 23,383 +12 1,956 +45 3,917
Last 5 months +2,569 21,386 +150 1,818 +203 3,759
Last 12 months +5,508 18,447 +401 1,567 +447 3,515

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