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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-28 22:25 5 years ago +2,801 996,750 28,925 2.9% +8 1,021 +10 724
2019-08-21 +149 993,949 36,045 3.63% -1 1,013 +1 714
2019-08-20 +373 993,800 47,445 4.77% +1 1,014 +2 713
2019-08-19 +233 993,427 51,391 5.17% +1 1,013 +2 711
2019-08-18 +277 993,194 47,289 4.76% +2 1,012 -1 709
2019-08-17 +320 992,917 48,750 4.91% +1 1,010 +2 710
2019-08-16 +391 992,597 51,129 5.15% 0 1,009 +1 708
2019-08-15 +952 992,206 52,518 5.29% +1 1,009 +3 707
2019-08-14 +1,300 991,254 31,806 3.21% 0 1,008 +3 704
2019-08-13 +165 989,954 29,519 2.98% 0 1,008 0 701
2019-08-12 +91 989,789 30,531 3.08% +3 1,008 +1 701
2019-08-11 +126 989,698 31,776 3.21% +3 1,005 -1 700
2019-08-10 +13 989,572 31,811 3.21% 0 1,002 0 701
2019-08-10 +337 989,559 31,768 3.21% +3 1,002 +3 701
2019-08-07 +196 989,222 31,137 3.15% 0 999 +2 698
2019-08-06 -14 989,026 28,801 2.91% +1 999 +4 696
2019-08-05 +223 989,040 37,828 3.82% 0 998 +2 692
2019-08-04 +448 988,817 37,242 3.77% +2 998 +1 690
2019-08-03 +424 988,369 36,219 3.66% -1 996 +2 689
2019-08-02 +551 987,945 39,977 4.05% -2 997 +1 687
2019-08-01 +788 987,394 39,904 4.04% 0 999 +1 686
2019-07-31 +599 986,606 37,083 3.76% +2 999 +2 685
2019-07-30 +372 986,007 31,037 3.15% 0 997 +2 683
2019-07-29 +284 985,635 34,899 3.54% +1 997 +2 681
2019-07-28 +443 985,351 39,452 4% +1 996 +2 679
2019-07-27 +561 984,908 46,616 4.73% -1 995 +2 677
2019-07-26 +1,217 984,347 47,564 4.83% -2 996 +2 675
2019-07-25 +642 983,130 52,427 5.33% +1 998 +1 673
2019-07-24 +388 982,488 50,830 5.17% 0 997 +1 672
Daily Average (last 28 days) +362 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +132,130 0 0
Last 7 days +2,801 993,949 +8 1,013 +10 714
Last 28 days +10,144 986,606 +22 999 +39 685
Last 6 months +160,662 836,088 +125 896 +184 540
Last 12 months +363,739 633,011 +307 714 +251 473

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