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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-28 23:15 5 years ago -792 778,526 12,218 1.57% -4 575 +16 2,120
2019-08-21 -257 779,318 11,765 1.51% +1 579 +2 2,104
2019-08-20 -270 779,575 11,950 1.53% +3 578 +1 2,102
2019-08-19 -228 779,845 12,592 1.61% -1 575 +2 2,101
2019-08-18 -177 780,073 13,064 1.67% 0 576 +2 2,099
2019-08-17 -333 780,250 12,658 1.62% 0 576 +2 2,097
2019-08-16 -85 780,583 12,080 1.55% +1 576 +2 2,095
2019-08-15 -142 780,668 12,622 1.62% +1 575 +2 2,093
2019-08-14 -355 780,810 12,676 1.62% +1 574 0 2,091
2019-08-13 -309 781,165 12,688 1.62% -2 573 +2 2,091
2019-08-12 -336 781,474 12,305 1.57% 0 575 +1 2,089
2019-08-11 -201 781,810 12,002 1.54% -1 575 +3 2,088
2019-08-10 -8 782,011 12,177 1.56% 0 576 0 2,085
2019-08-10 -533 782,019 12,169 1.56% +3 576 +5 2,085
2019-08-07 +620 782,552 12,608 1.61% +1 573 +1 2,080
2019-08-06 +582 781,932 12,751 1.63% 0 572 +1 2,079
2019-08-05 +646 781,350 12,474 1.6% +1 572 +1 2,078
2019-08-04 +595 780,704 13,059 1.67% +1 571 0 2,077
2019-08-03 +370 780,109 13,202 1.69% 0 570 +2 2,077
2019-08-02 +585 779,739 13,425 1.72% -1 570 +2 2,075
2019-08-01 +456 779,154 15,035 1.93% +2 571 +1 2,073
2019-07-31 +404 778,698 14,823 1.9% 0 569 +3 2,072
2019-07-30 +270 778,294 16,213 2.08% +1 569 +2 2,069
2019-07-29 +171 778,024 16,486 2.12% +3 568 +1 2,067
2019-07-28 +147 777,853 15,458 1.99% 0 565 +1 2,066
2019-07-27 +231 777,706 15,037 1.93% +1 565 +2 2,065
2019-07-26 +332 777,475 13,482 1.73% +1 564 +1 2,063
2019-07-25 +165 777,143 14,204 1.83% -1 563 +2 2,062
2019-07-24 +206 776,978 12,129 1.56% -1 564 +1 2,060
Daily Average (last 28 days) -6 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) -2,190 0 0
Last 7 days -792 779,318 -4 579 +16 2,104
Last 28 days -172 778,698 +6 569 +48 2,072
Last 6 months +94,192 684,334 +19 556 -65 2,185
Last 12 months +232,094 546,432 -17 592 +7 2,113

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