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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-09-21 07:53 5 лет назад +42,580 7,333,414 128,262 1.75% 0 1 +69 8,762
2019-09-02 +252 7,290,834 139,708 1.92% 0 1 0 8,693
2019-09-02 +6,172 7,290,582 138,506 1.9% 0 1 +14 8,693
2019-08-29 +3,167 7,284,410 105,975 1.45% 0 1 +4 8,679
2019-08-28 +12,959 7,281,243 103,955 1.43% 0 1 +28 8,675
2019-08-21 +2,958 7,268,284 110,171 1.52% 0 1 +4 8,647
2019-08-20 +2,048 7,265,326 108,718 1.5% 0 1 +4 8,643
2019-08-19 +1,708 7,263,278 114,098 1.57% 0 1 +4 8,639
2019-08-18 +1,728 7,261,570 97,957 1.35% 0 1 +4 8,635
2019-08-17 +1,950 7,259,842 106,695 1.47% 0 1 +3 8,631
2019-08-16 +3,240 7,257,892 130,950 1.8% 0 1 +4 8,628
2019-08-15 +2,292 7,254,652 138,803 1.91% 0 1 +4 8,624
2019-08-14 +2,038 7,252,360 135,018 1.86% 0 1 +4 8,620
2019-08-13 +1,822 7,250,322 156,757 2.16% 0 1 +4 8,616
2019-08-12 +2,711 7,248,500 135,198 1.87% 0 1 +4 8,612
2019-08-11 +2,223 7,245,789 96,647 1.33% 0 1 +4 8,608
2019-08-10 +544 7,243,566 99,074 1.37% 0 1 0 8,604
2019-08-09 +4,996 7,243,022 97,888 1.35% 0 1 +11 8,604
2019-08-07 +1,823 7,238,026 144,863 2% 0 1 +4 8,593
2019-08-06 +2,592 7,236,203 147,098 2.03% 0 1 +4 8,589
2019-08-05 +1,637 7,233,611 116,966 1.62% 0 1 +4 8,585
2019-08-04 +2,725 7,231,974 130,659 1.81% 0 1 +4 8,581
2019-08-03 +1,461 7,229,249 125,187 1.73% 0 1 +4 8,577
2019-08-02 +2,306 7,227,788 108,558 1.5% 0 1 +4 8,573
2019-08-01 +1,512 7,225,482 113,873 1.58% 0 1 +4 8,569
2019-07-31 +2,294 7,223,970 129,167 1.79% 0 1 +5 8,565
2019-07-30 +1,746 7,221,676 118,691 1.64% 0 1 +5 8,560
2019-07-29 +3,255 7,219,930 114,364 1.58% 0 1 +4 8,555
2019-07-28 +703 7,216,675 125,450 1.74% 0 1 +4 8,551
2019-07-27 +2,677 7,215,972 122,909 1.7% 0 1 +4 8,547
2019-07-26 +2,590 7,213,295 112,600 1.56% 0 1 +3 8,543
Daily Average (last 28 days) +2,174 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +793,510 0 0
Last 24 days +52,171 7,281,243 0 1 +87 8,675
Last 6 months +410,819 6,922,595 -1 2 +701 8,061
Last 12 months +812,849 6,520,565 -1 2 +1,376 7,386

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