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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-21 06:39 5 лет назад +125 147,513 278 0.19% 0 1,965 +2 5,675
2019-08-20 +57 147,388 295 0.2% 0 1,965 +2 5,673
2019-08-19 +61 147,331 284 0.19% 0 1,965 +2 5,671
2019-08-18 +63 147,270 300 0.2% +1 1,965 +2 5,669
2019-08-17 +50 147,207 302 0.21% +1 1,964 +2 5,667
2019-08-16 +77 147,157 321 0.22% 0 1,963 +2 5,665
2019-08-15 +49 147,080 289 0.2% +3 1,963 +2 5,663
2019-08-14 +149 147,031 334 0.23% +1 1,960 +2 5,661
2019-08-13 +58 146,882 312 0.21% +2 1,959 +2 5,659
2019-08-12 +45 146,824 355 0.24% +3 1,957 +2 5,657
2019-08-11 +73 146,779 411 0.28% +1 1,954 +2 5,655
2019-08-10 +322 146,706 416 0.28% +3 1,953 +6 5,653
2019-08-07 +176 146,384 398 0.27% +2 1,950 +2 5,647
2019-08-06 +76 146,208 350 0.24% +1 1,948 +1 5,645
2019-08-05 +70 146,132 430 0.29% +1 1,947 +2 5,644
2019-08-04 +94 146,062 410 0.28% +1 1,946 +2 5,642
2019-08-03 +117 145,968 409 0.28% 0 1,945 +2 5,640
2019-08-02 +152 145,851 345 0.24% +2 1,945 +2 5,638
2019-08-01 +86 145,699 315 0.22% +1 1,943 +2 5,636
2019-07-31 +107 145,613 285 0.2% +1 1,942 +3 5,634
2019-07-30 +97 145,506 411 0.28% +1 1,941 +2 5,631
2019-07-29 +124 145,409 416 0.29% -1 1,940 +2 5,629
2019-07-28 +111 145,285 429 0.3% 0 1,941 +2 5,627
2019-07-27 +96 145,174 454 0.31% 0 1,941 +2 5,625
2019-07-26 +75 145,078 421 0.29% +1 1,941 +2 5,623
2019-07-25 +80 145,003 291 0.2% +1 1,940 +2 5,621
2019-07-24 +63 144,923 291 0.2% +3 1,939 +2 5,619
2019-07-23 +89 144,860 298 0.21% -2 1,936 +2 5,617
2019-07-22 +47 144,771 258 0.18% -1 1,938 +2 5,615
2019-07-21 +78 144,724 242 0.17% 0 1,939 +2 5,613
2019-07-20 +53 144,646 238 0.16% +1 1,939 +2 5,611
Daily Average (last 28 days) +93 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +33,945 0 0
Last 7 days +482 147,031 +5 1,960 +14 5,661
Last 28 days +2,590 144,923 +26 1,939 +56 5,619
Last 6 months +15,215 132,298 +631 1,334 +363 5,312
Last 12 months +31,143 116,370 +1,034 931 +709 4,966

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