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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-21 18:40 5 years ago -4 34,487 164 0.48% -2 1,530 +13 12,834
2019-08-20 -5 34,491 175 0.51% -1 1,532 +7 12,821
2019-08-19 -9 34,496 122 0.35% 0 1,533 +3 12,814
2019-08-18 -3 34,505 144 0.42% +1 1,533 +1 12,811
2019-08-17 -2 34,508 115 0.33% 0 1,532 +1 12,810
2019-08-16 -4 34,510 194 0.56% 0 1,532 +7 12,809
2019-08-15 -6 34,514 129 0.37% 0 1,532 +6 12,802
2019-08-14 -3 34,520 181 0.52% 0 1,532 +4 12,796
2019-08-13 -7 34,523 216 0.63% 0 1,532 +6 12,792
2019-08-12 -8 34,530 168 0.49% 0 1,532 +2 12,786
2019-08-11 -8 34,538 138 0.4% 0 1,532 +3 12,784
2019-08-10 -7 34,546 179 0.52% 0 1,532 +21 12,781
2019-08-07 +2 34,553 140 0.41% -1 1,532 +6 12,760
2019-08-06 -7 34,551 148 0.43% -1 1,533 +11 12,754
2019-08-05 +2 34,558 193 0.56% 0 1,534 +5 12,743
2019-08-04 +4 34,556 189 0.55% 0 1,534 +1 12,738
2019-08-03 +10 34,552 190 0.55% 0 1,534 +7 12,737
2019-08-02 +19 34,542 197 0.57% +1 1,534 +9 12,730
2019-08-01 -3 34,523 156 0.45% 0 1,533 +7 12,721
2019-07-31 +4 34,526 150 0.43% 0 1,533 +6 12,714
2019-07-30 0 34,522 174 0.5% 0 1,533 +7 12,708
2019-07-29 -3 34,522 131 0.38% -1 1,533 +3 12,701
2019-07-28 -4 34,525 121 0.35% 0 1,534 +7 12,698
2019-07-27 -1 34,529 106 0.31% -1 1,534 +5 12,691
2019-07-26 +5 34,530 183 0.53% 0 1,535 +6 12,686
2019-07-25 +3 34,525 256 0.74% -1 1,535 +9 12,680
2019-07-24 -2 34,522 74 0.21% 0 1,536 +10 12,671
2019-07-23 0 34,524 216 0.63% 0 1,536 +3 12,661
2019-07-22 -5 34,524 239 0.69% 0 1,536 +5 12,658
2019-07-21 +9 34,529 242 0.7% -1 1,536 +2 12,653
2019-07-20 +10 34,520 175 0.51% 0 1,537 +1 12,651
Daily Average (last 28 days) -1 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) -365 0 0
Last 7 days -33 34,520 -2 1,532 +38 12,796
Last 28 days -35 34,522 -6 1,536 +163 12,671
Last 6 months +2,776 31,711 -9 1,539 +1,215 11,619
Last 12 months +4,715 29,772 -8 1,538 +2,718 10,116

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Engagement Rate (likes / followedBy)

Average Likes Per Post



Followed By Growth — monthly

Average Likes Per Post — monthly

Average Likes ER — monthly

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